so far not much here~
Mechanics: Skill List
A list of skills. This is not complete. Some skills have synergy bonuses with others.
- Acrobatics
- Subskills: Parkour
- Appraise - Per category, i.e food, gems, etc.
- Athletics - Used for general athletics checks. i.e chasing, etc.
- Subskills: Swim, Freeclimb.
- Concentration - This is used for focus and related actions. Synergy bonus with Tranquility
- Deception - Your ability to lie, or omit some elements of the truth.
- Diplomacy
- Subskills: Persuasion, Intimidation.
- Escape Artist - Escaping from bonds. At high level, this is more than just physical bonds.
- Investigate - Synergies with Perception, Sense Motive.
- Subskills: Gather Information, Criminal Patterns, Gather Contacts.
- Knowledge () - Knowledge of a subskill domain. Examples are given below.
- Setting Specific Domains - These will convert at a very small rate to the general skills depending on their rank on transmigration.
- Mystical Knowledge - Knowledge(Mystical Arts), Knowledge(Specific Type of Magic), Knowledge(Mysteries), Knowledge(Khemia)
- Practical Knowledge - Knowledge(Bureaucracy), Knowledge(Cities), Knowledge(Dungeons)
- Schools of Knowledge: - Knowledge(Biology), Knowledge(Chemistry), Knowledge(Religion), etc.
- Languages - Each subskill is proficiency in a different language. Ranks in it increase from "can kind of read it to can read it to can read and speak it to read and speak it fluently." etc.
- Perception - This skill is the ability to notice something, or see through Stealth. Synergy with Investigation
- Situational Awaerness - Some levels have preternatural levels of situational awareness. Characters with this subskill are really good at it.
- Perform(x) - Perform some art. Or some instrument.
- Pilot(x) - Pilot some machine or tool x.
- Profession(x) - Skill at a profession.
- Repair(x) - Skill at repairing x, which must require skill to repair.
- Ride(x) - Ride an animal. This is by category - for example, Ride(Four Legged Mammals) applies to camel and horses.
- Resistance - This skill measures resistance to many things, such as high and cold temperatures, or poison, etc. Note that it does not apply to normally fatal hazards unless a subskill is unlocked or the rank exceeds 50.
- Sense Motive - Detect when someone is attempting to decieve you. Synergy with Investigate
- Survival - This skill is your ability to survive in many environments.
- Trapfinding - Your ability to detect and stop traps.
- Tranquility - To remain calm; resist emotional storms and attacks.