
From Stellar Kennings
Revision as of 14:40, 3 January 2024 by TShinjitsu (talk | contribs) (Chart expanded to the fifties. Rewards table added to simplify it. Formatting fixes.)
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Random Encounter Table

On a 50 or higher on a roll of 1d100, roll again for an encounter. [Xiaomei has a +35]

Roll for result line (1d20+[LUK/50, rounded down.])

Result of Rolls
Roll Result
1-2 Really Bad
3-6 Bad
7-14 Meh
15-18 Good
19-20 Really Good
20+ Excellent

Reward Chart (Rounded down):

Roll Rewards
Tag XP Currency Skills
Tiny 1d4+(LUK/30) 1d10-5 cp, min 0 -
Small 1d6+(LUK/30) 1d10+1 cp +1 to 1 skill
Medium 3d4+(LUK/30) 2d10+1 cp +2 to 1 skill; or +1 to 2 skills
Large 4d6+(LUK/30) 1d10+1 sp +2 to 1 skill, +1 to another; or +1 to 3 skills
Huge 7d4+(LUK/30) 2d10+2 sp +3 to 1 skill, +2 to another; or +2 to 2 skills and +1 to another; or +1 to 5 skills
Extraordinary 7d6+(LUK/30) 1d10+1 tp +4 to 1 skill, +3 to another; or +3 to 2 skills, +1 to another; or +2 to 3 skills, and +1 to another; or +1 to 7 skills
Legendary 13d4+(LUK/30) 1d10 pp +5 to 1 skill, +4 to another; or +4 to 2 skills, +1 to another; or +3 to 3 skills; or +2 to 4 skills and +1 to another; or +1 to 9 skills


Roll 1d100+LUK:

  • 01-10: Spotted by adventurers out of the... (Gain Small XP Reward)
    • 01-04: Grand Duchy of Molia. These are friendly.
    • 05-07: Moncolisian Empire, they are hostile. Skill must be combat or narrative related.
    • 08: Principality of Yeng, they attack on sight. (Gain Medium XP Reward)
    • 09: Grand Duchy of Chalapixtla, who want to trade or get food as they lost theirs (Gain Medium XP Reward, Tiny Currency Reward)
    • 10: Duchy of Trevor, on a mysterious mission. (On a 1d100 roll of at least 60, unlock a subquest and mission. Elsewise, get a Medium Skill Reward)
    • If it's 101-110, as above, but Large Skill Reward and Large XP Reward (Medium if Duchy of Trevor)
    • If it's 201-210, as above, but they are an A-rank party. Triple the XP, spawn a subquest. No Currency Reward.
  • 11-14: Overhear a rumour about ongoing activities of .... Gain Information.
    • Roll 1d6: 1-2 Unaligned Monsters 3-4 Hostile Monsters 5 Moncolisian Empire 6 Yeng Death Squads
    • If it's 111-114, attempt an investigation check vs DC 37, gain Medium Reward XP, can predict an enemy attack with good accuracy.
    • If it's 211-214, you are quite (un?)lucky and run into a monster swarm. Gain Huge Reward XP.
  • 15: Encounter a fennebeast Sorcerer having issues with her new spell. On helping her with it, gain a random low-level spell, and +1 to K(Kerian Mystical Arts) Roll 1d100. On 50+, gain a follow up encounter about a suspicious fellow. [Medium Reward XP for first], [Large Reward XP for second] (the followup encounter is a chase. Large Currency Reward and if 10sp: roll for 1d10 titanium coins.)
    • 115: Start in reverse.
  • 16-19: A felinebeast has been stalking guard movements. You run across the man and..
    • Roll 1d6: 1-3 It's a thief. 4-5 it's an enemy agent 6 it's an agent of the constabulary evaluating their training. Gain [Medium Reward XP]
  • 20: An adventuring party needs an extra member.
    • Roll 1d6: 1-2 Gain Medium Reward XP, Medium Currency Reward (D-rank missions); 3-4 Twice rewards of the first, C-rank mission. 5-6 Three times reward of the first, 1d10 prism coins, 2d10 HP damage on a success (1d100+Perception+Best Combat Weapon Skill), 4d10 HP damage on a failure. (XP reward is -10 XP)
  • 120: Reroll all numbers not 5-6, take the result. Roll an additional 1d100 if it's a 5 or 6, and on a 10- unlock an event 'Chased by a ..?' and 90+ 'Rescued by a passing Hero'
  • 21-24: Run away and hide from a hostile party of..
    • Roll 1d6: 1-2 adventurers (Medium Reward XP), 3-4 soldiers (Large Reward XP), 5-6 betrayers!!! (Huge Reward XP)
    • 121-124: Roll 1d100, on a 10-, replace with !!demons!! (Xiaomei must roll a Stealth check vs DC 80 or then burn 30 MP/20 Qi, take 40 HP damage, and banish them.) (Gain Extraordinary Reward XP)(Title: Demon Slayer)(Subquest: "Unsettling Encounter")
  • 25-26: Run across an old shrine, decrepit.
    • On 25, Xiaomei can opt to restore it to restore an old shrine to [roll 1d7 for god]
    • On 26, it is cursed, and if Xiaomei knows Dispel, she can try to dispel the curse. Dispel must be L5. She can grind at it, until it is dispelled.
    • 125: Restored, the shrine shoots a beam of light at a hidden treasure chest containing a divine spell scroll to learn from. XP: Medium Reward
    • 126: The cursed shrine has defenders that must be defended. 10 XP per monster.
  • 27-28: Find a useful item. See 1d20 roll chart for results.
    • 127-128: Useful item worth three times more. Risk three times more on result.
  • 29-30: Meet a baker who needs help moving supplies. Have a relaxing afternoon learning how to bake and socialize. (+1 to a social skill, +1 to Craft(bakery); Medium XP Reward
      • 129-130: Gain double gains, meet a [Contact]
  • 31-33: You run into an army training fellow. He shanghais you into fighting his squad to teach them more tactics and to humble them. He just asks you do not use magic except to enhance yourself. (XP: Medium XP Reward, +2 to a combat skill used.)
    • 131-133: You then fight him. Roll 1d100+VIT+Combat Skill vs DC 50 to win. On a close win or win gain double XP, and respect.
  • 34-35: You run into a Meditant who spends the afternoon criticizing your self-cultivation and skills. (XP: 4d6-1; +10 Qi, +1 WIS, DEX and VIT.)
    • 134-135: After an afternoon, he says "You have potential. I give you my starting technique." (Gain a Katana Technique)
  • 36-39: Encounter an odd fellow. Learn a bit of a local knowledge skill and XP +1d6
    • 001-025: history. (+2 to Local History)
    • 026-050: customs. (+2 to Local Customs)
    • 051-075: nobility. (+2 to Local Nobility)
    • 076-100: religion. (+2 to Local Religion)
    • 136-139: The odd fellow wants you to assist him with some "trivial task":
      • Roll 1d6: 1-2 D-rank task, 3-4 C-rank task, 5-6 B-rank task. Task is unexpectedly difficult, but Xiaomei should always get a useful spell out of it, as well as roll 1d20, then on a 10+: 1d6: 1-2 [1-2 bow 3-4 gun/chakram 5-6 chakram/boomerang]; 3-4 [1-2 armored kimono 3-4 armored cheongsam 5-6 armored dress] 5-6 [1-2 ring of detection 3-4 ring of protection 5-6 ring of survival] (if no gun up to now, do not award gun.)
  • 40-45: A Dark Omen. (write in.)
    • 140-145: Dark Omen inflicts HP: 4d6-5 and a Shaken: -7 roll penalty.
  • 46-53: You spend the day in your appointed patrols across the forests surrounding the city. You spot nothing.
    • 146-153: Roll 1d20, on a 5, spot and deal with a thief you turn over to the guards. (Medium XP Reward); 10: Spot and deal with an infiltrator (combat, Large XP Reward); 15: Run across signs of a smuggler/spy route, turn it over to your superiors. (Large XP Reward, City more stable); 20: Run across a magical crystal you can affix to gear for a magical bonus. (This can only be done three times.) (Large XP Reward; Crystal (minor))
  • 54-56: A fanatic of the Order of the Pure World is encountered in the city streets.
    • Roll 1d20: (1-5) They attack. Gain Medium XP Reward; (6-10) they're spotted about to attack an innocent. On DC 40 vs Combat, they are stopped. (Gain Medium XP Reward, +2 Respect (City); (11-15) spotted fleeing an attack. (DC 50 vs Combat to apprehend) (Gain Large Reward XP); 16-19 ambushing player 20 ambushing player with an ally. (double XP)
    • 154-156 Double the fanatics, double the fun.
  • 57 - Xiaomei spots a craftsman performing an expert work, and spends some time watching, and learning. (+2 to a craft skill.)
    • 157 - This craftsman is an enchanter or one capable of imbuing magic into their crafts. (+2 to a magical craft skill)
  • 58: In the market, meet a commoner who needs medical aid. (DC 30 Healing check, or cure spell use.) (Medium XP Reward) (+1 Healing)
    • 158: DC 53 Healing or 3 MP cure spell use. (Large XP Reward) (+2 Healing)
  • 59-63: Tapped to escort a visiting dignitary.
    • Roll 1d20: (6-10) Waylaid by thieves. DC 40 vs Combat to drive off. (Large XP Reward) (16-20) spy attempts to pickpocket important information. DC 60 vs Perception to stop; DC 60 vs Combat to catch. (+2d4 XP per successful check) (+15 cp per check) else: nothing much happens (Small XP Reward).
    • 159-163 There's now a market chase. (DC +5) (XP Reward becomes Large, +Medium Currency Reward)
  • 64-68:
  • 59-71: Encounter a kind adventurer who teaches a skill. (Gain 1d6+(LUK/30) XP, +1 to a skill.)
  • 72-84: Encounter a malicious adventurer who curses Xiaomei vs a DC 30 Resistance check. Every 5 times, gain +1 Resistance, +1 Knowledge(Mystical Arts). Gain 1d6+(LUK/30) XP, -5 to all rolls next turn.)
  • [Setting Specific] 85-90: An Auspicious Sign; Encounter a member of the Order of the White Hawk. (XP +1d6, gain Contacts.)
  • 91-97: Encounter an unintelligent Monster on the outskirts of town. Roll 1d40+LUK. On a higher roll, chances of combat. Gain XP: 1d6+(LUK/30) without it.
  • 98: Encounter a vista with a mystical feature. If a caster, gain +4 MP. If not, gain the Feat: Mystical Affinity.

[Setting Specific] +4 MP/+4 Qi instead of +4 MP. Feat: [Mystical Affinity: You have been touched by the inherent mysticism of the world, and have grasped a glimpse of the inner secrets. It calls to your soul, and you answered. Gain the ability to cast spells. User must pick type and method.]

  • 99: Encounter the ghost of a hero or adventurer. In return for setting them to rest, they offer to teach a power or ability. First time: Gain Title "Bringer of Peace": +1 WIS, +1 CHA, +5 to all rolls involving the undead. [Setting Specific] Gain +5 Respect with the Kerian Pantheon. Second Time: Gain Title "Answered the Last Hope": +3 CHA, +2 WIS, +10 to all rolls involving exorcising, purifying, or sending undead or ghosts on. [Setting Specific] Gain +5 Respect to all worshipers of the Kerian Pantheon.
  • 100: [Setting Specific] Meeting with a Monster tribal leader. Write-in effects.
  • 159-171: As 59-71: Added to an adventurer party for a D rank task. Gain XP 6d6-5, +1 to two skills, Proficiency increase one step. They take their weapon back, but on a 1d20 roll of 15+ if the player can cast, are taught in secret a way to summon a magical weapon. Gain Contacts, and if they get the secret weapon, Contacts in the Order of the White Hawk.
  • 172-184: Curse is now -10 to all rolls, vs a DC 40 Resistance check to reduce to -3. On a success of +50, no curse. On a success of +75, the adventurers are cursed by the gods as they would curse Xiaomei. (Every 5 times, gain +1 Resistance, +1 Knowledge(Mystical Arts). Gain 1d6+(LUK/30) XP)
  • 185-190: Encounter fleeting Monsters and Order of the White Hawk.
  • 191-197: As 91-97, but can attempt a DC 60 Empathy check to lead it into the wilderness. Gain XP: 4d6-3+LUK/30 on success, else see combat. [Setting Specific] DC 40 check instead. Note both require access to the skill, else no check can be made.
  • 198-200: As 98-100.