WhenTheGunsFallSilent/Yamagahara Nadeshiko

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USS Artania

Nadeshiko Yamagahara
Position Tactical Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Species Genetically Modified Human
Gender Female
DOB 232712.17
Age 25
Birthplace Neo Tokyo, Scorpio Theta XI

Starfleet Career
Rank Posting Position Start End Notes
Cadet Starfleet Academy N/A 234207.25 234605.30
Ensign USS Masamune Assistant Tactical Officer 234606.01 234803.12 Ended with the decommission of the USS Masamune
Lieutenant Junior Grade USS Yinghwa Assistant Tactical Officer 234805.01 235212.05 Ended with the destruction of the USS Yinghwa
Lieutenant USS Artania Tactical Officer 235212.25 ongoing