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so far not much here~



The stats are STR, DEX (with a derived stat of AGI), VIT, INT, WIS, CHA and LUK.

  • Strength (STR) controls the normal strength things.
  • Dexterity (DEX) is used for things needing dexterity.
    • AGI, a derived stat, is generally used for speed checks, and is listed separately for things that affect speed but not dexterity.
  • Vitality (VIT) is your vitality, and controls HP, base resistances, and other checks related to the character's resilience.
  • Intelligence (INT) is intelligence.
  • Wisdom (WIS) is more common sense and observation based stuff, as well as your willpower and sense of self.
  • Charisma (CHA). This can be force of personality, and measure of self.
  • Luck (LUK). Note this one is a double edged sword. High Luck will act in ways both good and bad.

You have a combined statline of the stats of the body and a transmigration statline. Some stats will transmigrate, but not all.

There's also proficiency, skills, quirks (feats, aspects, titles), and powers.

Skill List

A list of skills. This is not complete. Some skills have synergy bonuses with others. Skills are used to determine who's likely to win, and to check for degrees of failure or success. They also can be used as.. skills. For example, the Tranquility and Concentration skills prevent emotional outbursts and provide enhanced focus.

Some skills have subskills: Diplomacy has Persuasion and Intimidation. (Subskills are capped much lower.) These are used to denote penalties and bonuses to actions with those tags.

Note: Subskills often have lower DCs than general skill checks, so specializing into them may be desirable.

Skills increase to 300. (Still debating this, though.)

  • Acrobatics
    • Subskills: Parkour
  • Appraise - Per category, i.e food, gems, etc.
  • Athletics - Used for general athletics checks. i.e chasing, etc.
    • Subskills: Swim, Freeclimb.
  • Concentration - This is used for focus and related actions. Synergy bonus with Tranquility
  • Deception - Your ability to lie, or omit some elements of the truth.
  • Diplomacy
    • Subskills: Persuasion, Intimidation.
  • Escape Artist - Escaping from bonds. At high level, this is more than just physical bonds.
  • Investigate - Synergies with Perception, Sense Motive.
    • Subskills: Gather Information, Criminal Patterns, Gather Contacts.
  • Knowledge () - Knowledge of a subskill domain. Examples are given below.
    • Setting Specific Domains - These will convert at a very small rate to the general skills depending on their rank on transmigration.
    • Mystical Knowledge - Knowledge(Mystical Arts), Knowledge(Specific Type of Magic), Knowledge(Mysteries), Knowledge(Khemia)
    • Practical Knowledge - Knowledge(Bureaucracy), Knowledge(Cities), Knowledge(Dungeons)
    • Schools of Knowledge: - Knowledge(Biology), Knowledge(Chemistry), Knowledge(Religion), etc.
  • Languages - Each subskill is proficiency in a different language. Ranks in it increase from "can kind of read it to can read it to can read and speak it to read and speak it fluently." etc.
  • Perception - This skill is the ability to notice something, or see through Stealth. Synergy with Investigation
    • Situational Awareness - Some levels have preternatural levels of situational awareness. Characters with this subskill are really good at it.
  • Perform(x) - Perform some art. Or some instrument.
  • Pilot(x) - Pilot some machine or tool x.
  • Profession(x) - Skill at a profession.
  • Repair(x) - Skill at repairing x, which must require skill to repair.
  • Ride(x) - Ride an animal. This is by category - for example, Ride(Four Legged Mammals) applies to camel and horses.
  • Resistance - This skill measures resistance to many things, such as high and cold temperatures, or poison, etc. Note that it does not apply to normally fatal hazards unless a subskill is unlocked or the rank exceeds 50.
  • Sense Motive - Detect when someone is attempting to deceive you. Synergy with Investigate
  • Survival - This skill is your ability to survive in many environments.
  • Trapfinding - Your ability to detect and stop traps.
  • Tranquility - To remain calm; resist emotional storms and attacks.

Feats are things you've learned to do, Aspects are elements of your self, Titles reflect an achievement or something notable.

Note this is based on litrpg very very vaguely.

Pool is available motes (note that each type is combined until or unless a effect unifies it.) and potency is power of the power multiplied against base. People with higher potency get more out of each mote, etc.

Titles, Powers, Epithets

Titles represent something about a character that is either imposed or earned by them. They can be negative ("The Wretch") or positive ("Well Liked"), and can be removed.

Epithets are permanent markers of events. (i.e "Richard the Lionheart", "Lincoln, the Great Emanicipator."). Epithets always are positive [b]for the character[/b].

They may be unflattering and impose penalties with others, but by that point, the character's actions are also probably inclining them to that path. (i.e "Shepard, the Butcher of Torfan.")

Powers, once given can't really be taken away unless the power specifies it can, or the power is replaced by another. It is entirely possible to lose a positive power for a negative one.

Patrons (Reference Notes)

To get into the Celestial Bureaucracy or become an immortal, in these times, requires a patron. Patrons may not act in your best interests.

Patrons - Grant powers, titles and act as a guarantor.

They also grant quests and generally severely influence exactly how their agents work by somewhat controlling where they go.

Patrons who break obligations, or act in bad faith, can get punished, but this is very dependent on who catches them. (In practice, this rarely happens, hence why this quest exists.)

Members of the bureaucracy above the rank of 'Agent' do not need one.

Per Turn

In non urgent times, this will go every 3 weeks. The sequence: - Player actions that are not random encounters or specifically specified to act after Xiaomei go here. (i.e "On Week 2...") - Xiaomei will take her actions - I resolve random encounters - Then you get to vote on various actions.

You have X AP, X RP and X FP to spend. These are action points, resource points, and fate points.

Action Points come from [Xiaomei's Level * 1.5 + The AP Pool];

AP are spent on arranging for coincidences, or helping or hindering Xiaomei indirectly.

Resource Points start at 120, but you can increase it by spending AP.

RP are spent in setting up organizations, or grants, etc. RP is often *spent* in AP, especially if you are directly trying to set something up. You can also choose to bank unused RP, to be spent in Urgent Times. Unused RP is banked to a cap.

Fate Points are 5+completed quests/3 min (rounded up)+pool. The pool comes from Omakes and others, as I get to it.

FP are forcing actions to take. Note that FP has the *most* chances of increasing awareness, but it can also be used to set dice rolls in actions.

You also have a statline of "Enemy Action" and "Your Sight". You will get penalties and removed possible actions as these change, and you can also opt to improve it to improve costs. Note it is possible to prevent Enemy Action on your resources, but that does mean they might choose to spend more resources on interfering in the world you are observing.

Once you vote, I will perform the actions and narrate the results, rolling dice as appropriate. This will close the three-week period.

In Urgent Times, the period shortens seriously, and the only resources available are RP and AP. Note that RP does not replenish fully during this.

Dice Rolls

Dice rolls here are somewhat simple.

Tasks are rolled on a 1d100 (normally, see below), with the targets being:

  • Trivial - DC 10
  • Simple - DC 25
  • Skilled - DC 50
  • Difficult - DC 75
  • Master - DC 90
  • Legendary - DC 140
  • Impossible - DC 200
  • Divine - DC 250.

Modifiers are assigned by skill, narration, and by situation.

It is possible to get a Divine Modifier. These set the dice to:

  • Terrible: 7d25 drop three highest.
  • Bad: 3d50 drop highest
  • Poor: 4d33+1 drop highest
  • Normal (no modifier): 1d100 roll
  • Above Average: 4d33+1 drop lowest roll
  • Good: 3d50 drop lowest
  • Terrific: 7d25 drop three lowest.

For the chart:

Dice Roll Chart Graph
Comparative Graph of Possibilities