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[Roll: 2 2]
Captain Aleri Taliheart
- Diplomacy: 3d
- Command: 5d
- Tactics: 2d
- Strategy: 4d
- Security: 3d
- Engineering: 3d
- Science: 1d
- Medical: 1d
- Operations: 3d
- Investigation: 5d
- Intelligence: 5d
- Training: 3d
- Former Starfleet Intelligence Agent
- Distrusted by Command
- The Underworld Knows Your Name
Officers: ????
[i]USS Ceriwden[/i]
- Class: Cheyenne
- Modules Remaining: 5 Small, 2 Medium
- Engineering: 3d
- Shields: 2d
- Hull: 2d
- Weapons: 2d
- Mark VII Phaser - Accuracy: 4d,Damage: 2d, Traits: Rapid Fire
- Photon Torpedo Mk. VII - Accuracy: 3d, Damage: 4d. Traits: Slow Fire
- Science: 2d
- Sensors: 2d
- Medical: 2d
- Comfort: 2d
- Cargo: 4d
- Traits: Old Workhorse, Versatility, Averted Impact on Bajor
- Morale: OK (+0d)
- Engineering: +1d
- Operations: +1d
- Science: +1d
- Medical: +1d
- Repair: +1d
- Security: 1d
- Combat: +1d
- Diplomacy: 0d
- Intelligence: 0d