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  • Name: Castellaor Mannus
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Race: Half Hunt (Humanoid Fey)
  • Age: 41
  • Height: 4'3"
  • Weight: 60 lb
  • Description:
    A small girl with messy shoulder length silver hair and faintly glowing green eyes that lack pupils. She has small fuzzy horns beginning to sprout from her temples and pointed ears pointing to less than human origins. She normally wears loose flowing clothing because she finds it "comfy and cute!" but is about averagely built for a child underneath them. She is unnaturally strong and tough for her size, easily matching adults in strength, but more notably shrugs off damage her small frame shouldn't be capable of easily.

  • History:
  • Origin: Native
  • Quote: TBD

  • Class: Apprentice 1 || Racial Level (Favored Class: Hedge Witch)
Level Class #1 Class #2 BAB Saves Other Favored Class Bonus
EXP 440 To Next Level 2,000
01 Incanter 1 Racial Level +0 Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +2 Bonus feat, Bonus feat, bonus talent, casting, specializations, Precise Shot, Battlefield Intuition, Prepared Diagram (Dest), HP
02 Hedgewitch 1 Incanter 2 +0 Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3 Path benefit, path power, paths, Bonus Feat, Prepared Diagram (Tele) HP
03 Hedgewitch 2 Incanter 3 +1 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3 Path secrets, secret, secret, Bonus talent, Ameture Hedge (Green Magic), Scholarship, Cunning HP
04 Hedgewitch 3 Incanter 4 +2 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4 Secret, Bonus feat, Empower Spell (Metamagic) HP
05 Hedgewitch 4 Incanter 5 +3 Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4 Bonus talent, Secret, Magical Skill (Extra Magic Talent) HP
06 ??? ??? +0 Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0 ... ...


  • Init: +7 ; Senses: See in Darkness
  • Movement: 30' Land
  • Languages: Common, Sylvan, Aklo, Draconic

  • Hit Points: 10 (1d6+4d8+5)
  • Spell Points: - -
  • Immune/Resist:
    • Resist Cold 10
    • DR 5/Cold Iron
  • Save Bonuses: Fortitude: +8 Reflex +6, Will +10

  • Armor Class: 11 (+1 Dex)
  • Flat-Footed: 10
  • Touch: 11
  • CMB 1 (+0 BAB, +1 Dex)
  • CMD 11 (10 base +0 BAB, +1 Dex)

  • Base Attack Bonus: 0
  • Melee: 1d20
    • 1d4 (Unarmed)
  • Range: 1d20+1
    • 1d8 (19-20)x2

Special Abilities

Special Abilities [Half Hunt] (RP 24)

  • Ability Score Modifiers - Half Hunt inherit much of the fey strength of their supernatural parentage, as well as their peculiar tendencies, gaining +2 to all physical abilities, +4 to Wis, and -2 to Int.
  • Bonus Feat - Owing to their human heritage Half Hunt are more flexible than the Fey they derive from and may select one extra feat at 1st level.
  • Skill Training - A Half Hunt naturally has the call of the Wild Hunt in their veins, calling them to ever slightly on edge as they view the world around themselves. This gives them Perception and Sense Motive as class skills.
  • Improved Resistance - Carrying a diminished version of a fey's resistance to the elements, Half Hunt gain Resistance to Cold 10.
  • Fey Damage Resistance - Unnaturally resistant to damage, Half Hunt are brought low by Cold Iron just as well as the rest of their kin.
  • Lucky, Greater - A gift of the Half Fey is a seemingly unnatural ability to shrug off a poison, dodging a danger in the nick of time, or managing to break illusions or tricks of the mind. (+2 all saves)
  • See in Darkness - Inheriting the powers of the Wild Hunt Monarch their descended from, Half Hunt can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, including that created by spells such as deeper darkness.

Special Abilities [Apprentice]

  • Areas of Apprenticeship - An apprentice chooses two other base classes. These classes are considered her areas of apprenticeship. She is barred from taking levels in any base class or prestige class outside her areas of apprenticeship until she has at least two levels in each. She cannot have more than three levels of difference between her areas of apprenticeship.
    • Her apprentice class level stacks with levels in her areas of apprenticeship for the purpose of qualifying for feats and prestige classes, level-dependent class features, spells known, and spells per day.
      • Hedgewitch
      • Incanter

  • Split Training - This beginning class gives you the chance to be something very different at 1st level. By taking the apprentice class, which is only a single level, you gain access to special abilities based on the two classes you choose to apprentice in. You might be thinking of apprenticing as a cleric and a fighter, gaining bonuses to hit points or attacks and extra orisons or cure spells as a 1st-level apprentice. While you would not be as powerful as a 1st-level fighter or cleric, once you do take levels in those two classes, your powers gained as an apprentice remain, giving you some advantage for being a level behind others in the actual class itself.
    • With the Apprentice class, you have an extremely unique 1st-level character, with unique powers and abilities. Not quite great at any one thing, like a true apprentice learning a craft, your character fills a niche and adds to the abilities of other characters, giving you some interesting roleplaying opportunities. Perhaps your character is apprenticed to the paladin character, or the priest or a wizard.
    • An apprentice is slower to master her abilities because she is training in two areas at once. She chooses two of the following types of training based on her areas of apprenticeship. Each type of training can only be selected once, even if both areas of apprenticeship qualify for the same type of training.
      • Skill Adept: The apprentice is beginning to know what she is doing more often than not. If one of her areas of apprenticeship gains 6 + Int skill ranks or more per level, she gains 4 bonus skill points.

Special Abilities [Hedgewitch]

Special Abilities [Incanter]

Abilities, Feats, Proficiencies, and Skills


Ability Score Base Racial Level Inherent Enhancement Age Other Total Modifier
Strength 8 2 - - - - - 10 +0
Dexterity 10 2 - - - - - 12 +1
Constitution 16 2 - - - - - 18 +4
Intelligence 16 -2 - - - - - 14 +2
Wisdom 18 4 - - - - - 22 +6
Charisma 10 - - - - - - 10 +0


  • Deft Dodger - You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saving throws.
  • Spark of Creation - You gain a +1 trait bonus on Craft checks, and the cost of creating magic items is reduced by 5%.


  • Precise Shot - You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.
  • Battlefield Intuition - You add your Wisdom modifier to initiative checks. This is in addition to other modifiers to initiative checks, like the bonus provided by a high Dexterity score or the Improved Initiative feat..

Proficiencies: - all simple weapons, light armor, and shields

Class Skills: - Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Knowledge(all) (Int), Heal (Wis), Nature (Wis), Profession (Wis), Linguistics (Int), Fly (Dex)

Skill Points: 1*6 = 6/6

Skill Ranks Ability Racial Enhancement Other Total
Acrobatics [DEX] 1 1 - - (+3 class) 5
Arcana [INT] - 2 - - (+3 class) 2
Athletics [STR] 1 - - - - 1
Autohypnosis [WIS] - 6 - - - 6
Disable Device [DEX] - 1 - - - 1
Heal [WIS] - 6 - - (+3 class) 6
Lore [INT] - 2 - - (+3 class) 2
Linguistics [INT] - 2 - - (+3 class) 2
Martial Lore [WIS] - 6 - - (+3 class) 6
Nature [WIS] 1 6 - - (+3 class)(+1 Craft) 10
Perception [WIS] 1 6 - - (+3 class) 10
Profession (?) [WIS] - 6 - - (+3 class) 6
Ride [DEX] 1 1 - - - 2
Sense Motive [WIS] 1 6 - - (+3 class) 10
Sleight of Hand [DEX] - 1 - - - 1
Stealth [DEX] - 1 - - - 1
Tech Lore [INT] - 2 - - - 2


Slot Name Effect Notes Price Weight
Head - - - - -
Headband - - - - -
Eyes - - - - -
Shoulders Hooded Cloak - Outfit, Scholar’s - -
Neck - - - - -
Chest - - - - -
Body 'Cute' Robe - Outfit, Scholar’s - -
Armor - - - - -
Belt Leather Belt - Outfit, Scholar’s - -
Wrists - - - - -
Hands - - - - -
Ring - - - - -
Ring - - - - -
Feet Simple Shoes - Outfit, Scholar’s - -
Left Hand - - - - -
Right Hand Light Crossbow - 35 gp 4 lb
Other - - - - -
Money 76 gp Weight 4 lbs

Magic and Items


  • Weapons
  • Ammo
    • Bolts x30 (3 gp)
  • Potions
  • Poisons/Oils
  • Tools
  • Etc.
  • Witch's Kit (21 gp)
    • backpack
    • bedroll
    • belt pouch
    • candles (10)
    • chalk (10)
    • flint and steel
    • ink
    • inkpen
    • iron pot
    • mess kit
    • soap
    • spell component pouch
    • torches (10)
    • trail rations (5 days)
    • waterskin.
  • Cat Burgler's Kit (15 gp)
    • glass cutter
    • glue paper (5 sheets)
    • a grappling hook
    • masterwork backpack
    • silk rope (50 feet)



  • Caster Level - 5
  • Spell Points - 25 (1+5+4+6+5+4)
  • Save DC Base - 18 (10+2+6)
  • Concentration - 11 (5+6)
  • MSB - 6
  • MSD - 17

Spell Modifiers

  • +1 Dest. Sphere Saving Throw
  • +1 Tele. Sphere Saving Throw

Sphere Magic Tradition (CL 5, DC 18 [10+2+6+Mod])

  • Fey Touched (+1, +1 per level in a casting class)
  • Drawbacks
    • Diagram Magic(2) - Spells must be cast within a diagram drawn upon the ground or made with solid inlay
    • Material Casting - Spells cost material to cast. (must have component pouch & pay gold/lvl)
    • Somatic Casting(2) - Must gesture to cast spells, and cannot wear any armor or use a shield without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure.
    • Verbal Casting - Must speak to cast spells.
    • Consciousness Linked - If you fall asleep or unconscious, or are dazed, stunned, confused, reduced to animal intelligence, or otherwise unable to take coherent mental actions, all of your magical effects immediately end.
  • Boons
    • Empowered Abilities - While SP is half or less, +1 competence bonus to CL. If SP is 0, the competence bonus to CL becomes +2.
  • Sphere Talents 12/12 (12 Base: 3 Destruction/7 Telekenesis/3 Fey)
    • Sphere Drawbacks
      • Destruction
        • Energy Focus(Force)
        • Shape Focus(Guided)
    • Destruction
      • [Default]Destructive Blast - As a standard action, you may deliver a burst of blunt magical force as a melee touch attack or a ranged touch attack within close range. A destructive blast is subject to spell resistance, and while it bypasses DR/magic, it does not automatically bypass other forms of damage reduction if it deals physical damage (bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing). A ranged destructive blast counts as a ray attack.
        • A basic destructive blast deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every odd caster level.
        • +1 SP when making a destructive blast to increase the damage dealt to one damage die per caster level (minimum 2d6).
      • Force Blast(type) - +1 SP, change damage type of destructive blast to force. Any creature struck by the attack or that failed their Reflex saving throw if one was required must succeed at a Reflex save or fall prone.
      • Spirit Blast - Destructive blasts affect spiritual targets. When used this way, your destructive blasts extend into the Ethereal Plane to affect ethereal targets normally.
      • Guided Strike(shape) - +1 SP, add a +20 circumstance bonus to your destructive blast’s attack roll.
      • Gather Energy - -1 SP, increase the casting time of your destructive blast by one step (to a minimum of 0).
      • Mana Siphon(type) - 1d4 nonlethal force damage. Any creature struck by the attack or that failed their Reflex saving throw if one was required must succeed at a Fortitude save or lose 1 spell point. This loss increases by one die size (1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, etc.) for every five caster levels. You gain an equal number of temporary spell points that last for one round per caster levelThese temporary spell points do not stack period.
    • Telekinesis
      • [Default]Telekinesis - Standard action telekinesis to lift one willing creature or unattended object within close range and move it up to 20 feet + 5 feet per 5 caster levels (its telekinesis speed). The creature or object levitates as long as you concentrate, have line of effect, and the object remains within close range. Size + weight limited.
        • Creatures or objects made of lighter materials, mostly open space, or reduced to 1/2 weight with the Lighten talent of the Enhancement sphere count as being one size category smaller, weightless creatures or objects count as being 2 size categories smaller.
      • [Default]Catch - Telekinesis on a projectile or thrown object within your size limit, you may stop the attack from dealing damage. The originator of the attack is allowed a Will save to negate this ability. After Catching an object, you may move it as normal for your telekinesis.
      • [Default]Hostile Lift - +1 SP, lift an unwilling creature with telekinesis. The target is allowed a Will save to negate, plus an additional Will save each round the effect is maintained. Telekinesis used in this way is subject to spell resistance.
        • If a Hostile Lift is sustained with Sustained Force, it only lasts until the target succeeds at its save. A creature may suffer falling damage if they successfully save while floating high in the air.
      • [Default]Sustained Force - 1 SP free action to no longer need to concentrate to maintain lifting a particular object for up to 1 minute per caster level. You may give a Sustained Force simple orders (float in the air, go north, follow a target) that it obeys to the best of its ability, to a maximum of your telekinesis range. Changing orders is a move action.
        • You cannot sustain combat-related uses of telekinesis (combat maneuvers, Bludgeons, etc.), nor complicated tasks (make a wagon load itself with stones and move them to another location, etc.). You may dismiss a Sustained Force as a standard action.
      • Powerful Telekinesis - Increase the maximum-sized object or creature you may affect with telekinesis by 1 size category.
      • Quick Reactions - 1 SP immediate action telekinetic Catch. If you possess the Telekinetic Push talent, 1 SP to perform pushes as an immediate action.
        • If you possess Kinetic Field, you may spend a spell point as a standard action to fold kinetic energy around yourself to create a catch field. This catch field moves with you and lasts 1 round per 3 caster levels (minimum 1). Once per round this stops a projectile aimed at you as if you were using Catch. You cannot have more than one use of this ability active at any one time.
      • Parry - You may use the Catch function of telekinesis to block attacks with melee weapons, though they retain their hold on their weapon even if you successfully block their attack. However, if you possess the Steal talent as well, you may immediately use it on that weapon as part of a successful Catch. Your telekinesis must be specially tuned towards the task, so when you ready an action to Catch (or when you spend a spell point on the catch field option of the Quick Reactions talent, if you possess it) you must specify whether your telekinesis can intercept melee or ranged attacks.
      • Kinetic Field - 1 SP, apply your telekinesis as kinetic energy across an area instead of directly onto targets. This fills an area with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per five caster levels with kinetic energy, which manifests in one of the following ways, each of which may be made into a Sustained Force.
      • An area cannot be affected by more than one field at a time:
        • All squares in the area, including the air, become difficult terrain. Moving through this area causes fire damage equal to 1/2 your caster level (minimum 1) per 5 feet of movement due to intense friction.
        • Any projectiles or thrown objects up to one size smaller than your telekinesis limit that pass through this area to be affected as if by Catch.
        • Creatures or objects up to one size smaller than your telekinesis limit that enter this area to move up to half your telekinesis speed in one direction, chosen when the field is created, to a maximum distance of the edge of the field. Unwilling targets may attempt a Will saving throw to resist, and if a creature fails this save and attempts to move against the direction of field they must first spend movement equal to half your telekinesis speed to overcome the effects of the field. Unattended objects move on your turn and are not fast enough to cause harm. Creatures do not move until their turn.

    • Fey
      • [Default]Fey-Link - Swift action, change your creature type to fey for 1 minute per caster level. You are treated as a fey and no longer count as your previous creature type for all purposes including spells, magic items, etc., but you do not gain any of the benefits of the fey type or lose the benefits of your previous creature type, and still possess any subtypes you previously possessed (thus, an elf using this ability would be treated as a fey with the elf subtype).
        • Whenever fey-link is active, you may spend 1 spell point as a free action to gain the benefits of a fey-blessing until the end of the fey-link. There is no limit to the number of fey-blessings you may have active at a time, but each one must be activated separately, and all only endure until the end of the fey-link. Renewing a fey-link does not increase the duration of a fey-blessing, and ends all fey-blessings you currently possess.
      • [Default]Nature-Connection (fey-blessing) - You gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Survival, Stealth, and Perception checks made within one terrain of your choice (chosen when this fey-blessing is cast). This bonus increases by +1 for every 5 caster levels you possess. Consult the ranger list of favored terrains to see potential terrain types.
      • Greater Fey-Link - Your fey-link endures for 10 minutes per caster level rather than 1 minute per caster level. You may spend a spell point to increase this duration to 1 hour per caster level instead.
      • Mantle Of Autumn (fey-blessing) - You may activate the following abilities as fey-blessings:
        • Cloak of Leaves - You may surround yourself in swirling leaves in a 10-foot radius as a move action. This radius increases by 5 feet at 5th caster level and every 5 caster levels thereafter. All allied creatures fully within this area gain concealment (attacks against them have a 20% miss chance). If hostile creatures within this area attack creatures outside this area, the targets also have concealment. You may end this effect as a free action. Doing so removes the leaves at the end of your turn but does not end the fey-blessing; you may create and dismiss the cloak of leaves for the duration of the fey-blessing.
        • Touch of the Harvest - You may touch food-producing plants, causing them to sprout food spontaneously. You may touch a plant within your natural reach as a move action. Each plant produces enough food to provide 3 Medium-sized creatures or 1 horse with food for a day. This fey-blessing ends after you touch a number of plants equal to your caster level. This ability requires requires fruit trees, berry bushes, or food crops.

Spells/Abilities Known