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Base Information

Ci Xiaoqiao (Keria: Cilia)(SWTOR: Xi'kahi)(MCU: Takeda Hitomi)

  • Lv: 16
  • Class: Combat Maid 1 (+LVL*20 to HP, +4 DEX, +4 VIT, +4 Armor)
    • Subclass: Sentinel of the Void - (+20 Armor, +10 Dodge, Gain ability to force foes to attack you, +10 Attack when defending) [? TNL]
    • Subclass: Jedi Consular 2 (+LVL*10 to Qi, +4 DEX, +2 INT, +5 VIT, +5 CHA; +3 to all Force Skills.) [Sealed, can no longer progress.]
    • Subclass: Meditant 5 (+LVL to VIT, CHA, DEX; +5 to Resistance; Gain "Unarmored Vitality", +30 Qi) [level MAX]
    • Subclass: Justicar 3 (+LVL*5 to Sense Motive, Perception, Investigation, Detect Lies L2, +LVL to WIS) [1/25 to progress]
    • Subclass Locked: Righteous Warrior (Prestige; Requirements: DEX or STR 75, Meditant and Justicar 5) [s](Gain Free +lvld10 holy damage to all attacks unless it's turned off.)[/s]
    • Subclass: Priestess 3 (+LVL*10 to Spellcraft, Healing, Spiritual Arts. Healing can regenerate lost or missing organs or parts. Gain feat "Repel Corruption". Gain the ability to create ofuda to deliver effects. +5 CHA, +5 WIS.) (1/40 to Priestess 4)
    • Subclass Locked: Miko (Prestige; req: Priestess 5, CHA 75, Blessing of the [i]kamigami[/i] of Japan.) [s](+CHA to attacks and damage.)[/s]
  • Race: Five-Tailed Kitsune (Keria: Four-tailed Kitsune.) (SWTOR: Amaran) (MCU: Five-tailed Kitsune.)
  • HP: [2480/2480] (50 + 50 (feat) + 1000 Transcendental Health + 20 (class) + (5*64 (VIT) + 16*65 (64+1) (Lvl*(VIT+1))))
  • Qi: [4001/4001] (147 + 100 Familiar + 500 Divine Might + 10*77 CHA + 32(2*Lvl)*77 CHA + 20 Jedi Consular)
  • XP: 27,910/123,500

Combat Stats

[Proficiency Track: Unskilled (-20) (2 progress)/Novice (-15) (5 progress)/Initiate (-10) (15 progress)/Adept (-5) (25 progress)/Expert (0) (30 progress)/Master (+5) (55 progress)/Grandmaster (+10) (80 progress)]

Offensive (*2 skill points in training)

  • Unarmed Attack [CHA]: 15 (Novice) (15 Trans) (+47 to-hit/+36 to damage (skill/4))
  • Melee Attack [DEX]: 37 (Intermediate) (24 Trans 4 Title 3 Ability) [1.1/2 skill points] (+73 to-hit/+52 damage (skill/4))
    • Quarterstaff (Adept: -5 to rolls) [8/25]
    • Long Swords (Expert: 0 to rolls) [6/30]
      • Arms of the Starry Heavens [Lightsaber Mode]: (+9 Artifact) +72 to-hit/+57 damage
      • Blessed Sword of the Heavens: (+3 Artifact) +66 to-hit/+51 damage
  • Ranged Attack [DEX]: 28 (Intermediate) (6 Title 22 Trans) (+68 to-hit/+42 damage (skill/4))
    • Handguns (20th Century Earth) (Initiate -10 to rolls) [8/15]
      • Glock 17 (+0) (+58 to-hit/+32 damage)
    • Chakram (Adept -5 to rolls) [3/25]
      • Arms of the Starry Heavens [Lightchakram Mode]: (+9 Artifact) +67 to-hit/+45 damage
    • Sniper Blaster Rifle (Adept: -5 to rolls) [5/25]

Armor: 81 (Base +35 Vitality/2 +16 + 10 Title + 2o Class)

  • Heaven-Silk Kimono: 81 (10 Item +10 Amulet) + 5 Armor/Qi sunk into it
  • Combat Maid Outfit: 71 (+10 Amulet) + 5 Armor/Qi sunk into it.

Skill Defenses (*2 skill points in training)

  • Dodge [DEX]: 33 (Intermediate) (17 Trans + 3 Ability + 13 Class) [.5/2]
  • Block [VIT]: 9 (Novice) (9 Trans) [.2/1]
  • Parry [WIS]: 8 (Novice) (8 Trans)


  • (Trans) Race: Kitsune [5*HP, full 4*INT MP, 4*(CHA+1) Qi; +3 STR +10 DEX +3 VIT +5 INT +10 WIS +10 CHA]
  • STR: 38 (+19) (trans.str 11 + trans.race 3 + title 5 + epithet 4 + quest 15)
  • DEX: 71 (+35) (trans.dex 12 + trans.race 10 + title 16 + class 13 + epithet 5 + quest 15)
    • AGI: 74 (+37) (dex: 68 + 2 title + 4 familiar)
  • VIT: 65 (+32) (trans.vit 14 + trans.race 3 + title 9 + class 13 + epithet 11 + quest 15) (2/4)
  • INT: 61 (+30) ( 21 + trans.race 10 + class 3 + titles 8 + quest 15 + familiar 4)
  • WIS: 59 (+29) (trans.wis 15 + trans.race 10 + titles 8 + class 7 + quest 15 + familiar 4)
  • CHA: 77 (+38) (trans.cha 11 + titles 16 + epithet 9 + trans.race 10 + class 12 + quest 15 + familiar 4)
  • LUK: 46 (+23) (trans.luk 8 + titles 3 + epithet 10 + aspect 10 + quest 15)

Unused Stat Point Pool: 0pts.



  • Modern Serian, Aurebesh, Chinese, Japanese, English [Native Fluency]
  • Russian [Mostly Fluent]

Passive Skills

  • Knowledge (Late 13th Era Keria) [INT]: 11 (Novice) (11 Base)
  • Knowledge (Kerian History) [INT]: 5 (Novice) (5 Base)
  • Knowledge (Kerian Mysteries) [INT]: 9 (Novice) (9 Base)
  • Knowledge(0 ATC era Star Wars) [INT]: 12 (Novice) (12 Base)
  • Knowledge(The Force) [CHA]: 14 (Novice) (14 Base)
  • Knowledge(1980s era MCU) [INT]: 45 (Adept) (45 Trans)
  • Knowledge(Military Tactics) [INT]: 15 (Intermediate) (15 Trans)
  • Knowledge(Astropyhsics) [INT]: 13 (Intermediate) (13 Trans)
  • Knowledge(Botany/Biology) [INT]: 32 (Intermediate) (32 Trans) (1/2 sp)
  • Knowledge(Chemistry) [INT]: 19 (Intermediate) (19 Trans) (1/2 sp)
  • Knowledge(Engineering) [INT]: 26 (Intermediate) (26 Trans) (.4/2sp)
  • Knowledge(Geology) [INT]: 22 (Intermediate) (22 Trans) (1/2 sp)
  • Knowledge(Metaphysics) [INT]: 43 (Adept) (43 Trans) (1/3 sp)
  • Knowledge(Materials) [INT] 41 (Adept) (41 Trans) (1/3 sp)
  • Knowledge(Multiverse Theory) [INT] 29 (Novice) (29 Trans) (0/2 pts)
  • Knowledge(Physics) [INT]: 25 (Intermediate) (25 Trans) (.7/2 pts)
  • Knowledge(Planetary Atmospheres) [INT]: 29 (29 Trans) (1/2 pts)
  • Knowledge(Psionics) [INT]: 6 (Novice) (6 Trans)
  • Spiritual Arts [WIS]: 48 (Adept) (18 Trans + 30 Class) (0/3 pts)
  • Perception [WIS]: 63 (Expert) (25 Trans + 23 Ability + 10 Class + 3 Titles) (2.5/3 pts) [+7 Situational Awareness]
  • Resistance [VIT]: 47 (Adept) (18 Title + 3 Aspect + 19 Trans + 7 Item) (1.3/3pts)
  • Sense Motive [WIS]: 57 (Adept) (42 Trans + 10 Class + 5 Title)
  • Tranquility [VIT]: 49 (Intermediate) (46 Trans + 3 Class)

Active Skills

  • Acrobatics [DEX]: 10 (Novice) (10 Trans)
  • Appraise [INT]: 27 (Intermediate) (12 Trans + 15 Title) (1/2 sp)
  • Craft (Simple) [INT]: 39 (Intermediate) (39 Trans) (1.9/2)
  • Craft (Advanced) [INT]: 44 (Adept) (44 Trans) (.9/3)
  • Create Magical Device [INT]: 26 (Intermediate) (26 Trans)
  • Combat Dancing [DEX]: 18 (Intermediate) (18 Trans)
  • Diplomacy [CHA]: 57 (Adept) (34 Trans+20 Epithet+3 Class) [+17 to [Persuasion]] [+10 to [Intimidate]] [*.6]
  • Empathy [CHA]: 13 (Novice) (5 Title 5 Trans 3 Class)
  • Escape Artist [DEX]: 16 (Novice) (3 Title 13 Trans)
  • Flight [DEX]: 20 (Intermediate) (20 Familiar)
  • Harvest [WIS]: 17 (Intermediate) (17 Trans) (1/2 sp)
  • Healing [WIS]: 50 (Adept) (17 Trans + 30 Class + 3 Class) (1.8/2 sp) [*.6]
  • Investigation [INT]: 47 (Adept) (22 Trans + 12 Title + 13 Class) (1/3 sp)
  • Perform(Singer) [CHA]: 18 (Adept) (18 Trans) (1/2)
  • Pilot (Large Craft) [INT]: 45 (Adept) (25 Trans + 20 Title)
  • Pilot (Small Craft) [INT]: 24 (Intermediate) (24 Trans)
  • Profession(Carpenter) [INT]: 6 (Novice) (6 Trans)
  • Profession (Maid) [INT]: 58 (Adept) (58 Trans) (0/3 sp)
  • Repair(Large Craft) [INT]: 46 (Adept) (10 Ability + 21 Trans + 25 Title) (1/2 sp)
  • Repair(Small Craft) [INT]: 29 (Intermediate) (24 Trans + 5 Title)
  • Riding (Four Legged Beasts) [DEX]: 6 (Novice) (6 Trans)
  • Sleight of Hand [DEX]: 27 (Intermediate) (27 Trans) (1/2 sp)
  • Spellcrafting [CHA]: 72 (Expert) (30 Trans + 30 Class + 2 Class + 10 Familiar) (0.26/3) [*.6]
  • Stealth [DEX]: 22 (Intermediate) (22 Trans) (.3/2)
  • Survival [WIS]: 21 (Intermediate) (8 Title + 3 Aspect + 10 Trans)
  • Use Magical Device [CHA]: 35 (Intermediate) (35 Trans)



  • Perfect Memory (SRC: L1 Selection) - Your memory is perfect. You can recall anything not blocked by supernatural means of any kind, and gain a bonus to resistance rolls vs. supernatural memory means. Memory drugs do not work on you. You suffer no proficiency or skill loss due to memory dulling, and have vastly slowed loss of skills. Note that this only lessens the penalty due to the transmigration process for skills.
  • Situational Awareness (Encounter): Being able to maintain situational awareness is key to survival. Gain the sub-skill and +1 to it.
  • Memorized Aura Ping (SRC: L2 Selection): Once you have met someone, you will always have their presence or the feel of their aura memorized, and you will instinctively know when they draw near
  • "Magic is Magic" (SRC: OPA) - All magic of types contribute to like pools (external magic to MP, internal magic to Qi). Transmigration does not seal access or progress in old pools
  • "Keen Senses" (SRC: L3 Selection): Your senses are exceptionally keen. (Perception range doubled. Bonus of +5 Perception.)
  • "Unarmored Vitality" (SRC: Meditant 3): Gain +VIT to Armor when wearing clothing or clothing armor.
  • "Expand Spiritual Sea" (SRC: L4 Selection): Your spiritual sea can store double the weight and double the size of previous objects.
  • "Blindfight" (SRC: L5 Selection) - Can make Perception without being able to see; No penalty to attack enemies she can hear.
  • "To Be A Guardian" (SRC: L6 Selection) - When defending innocents, gain a +2 (+3 if the action costs you hp) bonus to all rolls that directly defend them from harm
  • "Tough as the Mountains" (SRC: L7 Selection) - Gain +50 HP
  • "Repel Corruption" (SRC: Cleric 1): Healing or magical healing will clear corruptive effects as well.
  • "Unarmed Fighting" (SRC: Training): Can deal lethal and full damage (via STR or DEX) via unarmed attacks.
  • "Evasion" (SRC: Training): On a successful dodge save, take half damage from area attacks.
  • "Deadly Reflex" (SRC: L8 Selection) - You have a premonition of danger. Any sneak attack triggers an immediate perception roll to make a reaction attack. This attack can have only one technique or spell effect attached at a maximum of 150% strength. If this attack is a success, they do not gain the benefit of surprise.
  • "Prodigious Caster" (SRC: L9 Selection) - You have a knack for understanding magic and techniques. Gain +5 Spellcraft, and require less time to learn techniques or spells.
  • "Fatebreaker" (SRC: L10 Award) - Spot inflection points before you break Fate.
  • "Qi Affinity" (SRC: L11 Selection) - You are attuned to magic very acutely. All costs -10% and you can sense other wizards or sorcerers within 100 miles.
  • "Psionic Awakening" (SRC: L12 Selection) - "You have potential for psionic abilities. Can attempt to develop precognition, postcognition, telepathy, empathy, etc."
  • "Improvised Weapon Mastery" (SRC: L13 Selection) "Anything in your hands can become deadly. Use nonstandard weapons, or anything that can hurt as a relevant category weapon. You will still need to practice to gain mastery of the weapon."
  • "Crafter" (SRC: L14 Selection) "Can use Magic to convert matter to desired matter. Must know what you are converting to, at least to some degree. More involved knowledge makes this easier." (Unlocks the technique/spell category to do so. Does not innately award the spells.)
  • "Acute Senses" (SRC: L15 Selection) "Can pinpoint noise, sight, or other sensory data with any sense."
  • "Demon Hunter" (SRC: L16 Selection). "Thanks to experience, Xiaoqiao receives a bonus to perception against Demons and to resisting their magic."


  • Combat Style: The Scarlet Dancer [Tier 1] - 'To dance in combat is to be a dervish, constantly moving, a maelstrom of danger'
    • While moving, damage is 150%. Must move at least 10 feet every attack. Performance(Dance) adds to attack and damage. Flurry of attacks and multiple weapons penalty is decreased by -5*Tier (Currently Tier 1, penalty is -20) [7/25 combats to next tier]
  • Rejected System Interface- "Pet, I see you chose your way, even if it is too much for a maid like you. I applaud it. May you grow into your role as Daughter of the Stars, than my pet maid. But you only get one shot." [Innate].
    • +5% XP gain, gain permanent Advantage (always get the best of two chances) on checks
    • +20 starting respect from patron Aphrial/ Heavenly Order of the Three Moonlit Paths
    • -20 starting respect from the Heavenly Order of the Sunlit Glades
  • Questor of the Heavens- For better or worse, the PTB have their eyes on you now, and are watching you. At least they like you..? [Innate]
    • All quests are auto accepted. Events will conspire to give you more encounters and more chances to fulfill it, whether it's ill or good. (+10 LUK)
    • +35% chance of any random encounters.
    • Gain Amulet of the 7 Moons
  • Gain Gamer's Body and Limited Gamer's Mind
  • Patron: Aphrial, Outer Circle God of Romance [Tier 2]- "You are certainly able to withstand the storms. But you need to survive them, my fox. I will assist you in this." [Patron]
    • Marked as Owned by Aphrial to other deities and powers.
    • +30% damage to slavers, -15 Diplomacy vs slavers.
    • +30 to Diplomacy when matchmaking or convincing someone to give into desire or spend time with their partner, etc.
    • A Fire That Never Shall Go Out - When in a situation where enemies outnumber or outpower her, Xiaoqiao gains +30 Armor, +30 Melee Weapon Attack Power, +30 Ranged Attack Power
    • Daughter-in-Training of the Stars is now Tier 2, Forced Into Service updated to Forced Into Service [Tier 2]
    • Next tier unlocks at 1000 Respect (501 Respect) ("Princess of the Stars" unlocks then.)
  • "Daughter of the Stars [Tier 2]: You are a daughter of the stars. They empower you, and you can hear the vast wisdom of the night sky.
    • In space, you always know your location.
    • +20 to Pilot/Repair (Large Vehicles)
    • You always know your orientation, and distance to poles and equator.
    • A bit dazzled by noon light
    • Gain Title: "Maiden of Endings" (replaces "Daughter of Endings")
  • Guided by the North Star - "You keep your eyes fixed ever starward, and the heavens have demonstrated their faith in you."
    • Gain Performance(Singer) +5
    • Gain Song of the Stars: Once an hour, use Song of the Stars to boost morale and all stats of allies by +10.
  • Celestial Navigation - "If you can see the sky
  • Forced Into Service- "You make the most adorable maid, my pet. I think you should help others." [Patron]
    • You are a combat maid, and no matter your other professional skills, you will always be one.
    • Gain a starting 40 ranks in Profession(Maid)
    • A Maid Outfit always counts as armor.
    • Gain Title: "Professional Combat Maid" (replaces "Professional Maid")
    • +25 Diplo with other working class people, +45 on Diplo with other service workers
    • Elements of this aspect will upgrade with ranks and feats
  • Blessings of the Kerian Pantheon: The pantheon did not withdraw their blessing, grateful for your actions.
    • +3 Resistance, +3 Survival, +3 Dodge, +3 Melee Attack
  • Boon of Kahria: Upon migrating to Keria, you were granted a boon. [Innate]
    • +5 Empathy (and access to the restricted skill); +5 Healing; Access to the MP pool;
  • [s]Divine Conduit: Khalian Worship [Setting]: You were deemed worthy of Khaliah's power.
    • Spend an hour each morning in ritual prayer, gain spells "Cure", "Guidance", "Sanctuary", and "Longstride.". Spell potency and number increase with use of power/spells.[/s] (Sealed)
  • Innate Sense: Detect any form of magic (qi, mana or force) at will.
  • Attune Items: Can attune x items to your spiritual sea and quick withdraw them without concern to time. Current limit: [b]40[/b]
    • Note this does not include items inside bags of holding, but the bag itself must be pulled out to access items inside it.
  • Heavenly Library Access [Tier 1] - Boost one training by +40, two slots up to 60 ranks. Gain SP for use of a skill in a turn.
  • Ofuda - Deliever a spell, or attempt a banish attempt at your Spellcraft DC+class total+25+relevant bonuses.(158+relative bonuses).


  • "Last of Her World" - +2 to VIT, +5 to Survival, +5 to Resistance (skill)
  • "Fox Maid"- +10 to CHA, +5 to INT.
  • "Star in Training" - Every star in the heavens was once a mortal, or so the teachings go. You are training, so that one day, your wishes will be as a star in the heavens. +2 CHA, +2 VIT, +5% to Diplomacy
  • "Maiden of Endings [Tier 1]" - +15 Respect gain, +10 Inspiration to revolutionaries, +20 vs rolls to impose fate, +10 [Intimidate], +5 Investigation
  • "Professional Combat Maid" - +10 to Appraise, +2 STR, +4 DEX, +1 AGI, +1 INT, +20 on Diplomacy vs Other Maids, +10 Armor, +5 Repair
  • "The Defender of the Many": +5 to VIT,STR,DEX when in combat or defending others. +10% to checks to defuse combat situations.
  • "Freedom Seeker": +3 to Escape Artist, +3 to DEX.
  • "Bringer of Peace": +1 WIS, +1 CHA, +5 to all rolls involving the undead.
  • "Reluctant Defender": Your gentle strength has been made to kill.. but you will always regret the necessity. (+1 WIS, +1 DEX, +2 Melee Combat, +2 Ranged Combat, +10 HP vs betrayal ambush/sneak attack.)
  • "Memories of Keria": +3 WIS, +1 VIT, +1 CHA, +15% chance of seeing fragments of the past, +2 Diplomacy bonus when interacting with Deities or other Meditants), +1 to Ranged/Melee Weapons, +3 Resistance
  • "Unbroken": You faced an army that sought to kill you, and those you would protect, and they broke upon you. +2 VIT, +10 to Resistance.
  • "Battle Tested": You have been tested in battle, and not found wanting. +1 VIT, +1 DEX, +1 Bladed Weapons, +1 Ranged Weapons
  • "Surpassing Oneself": When you reached your limit, you broke through Fate, and pushed forward. This is the truth of being a hero - to never give up in the face of adversity. +1 to all stats;
    • Gain +5 to all stats per surpassing oneself. [3 time]
  • "Curse Breaker" (Acquisition Conditions: Break 5 curses) "You ain't afraid of no curse." (+10 Resistance)
  • "A True Righteous Warrior" (Acquisition: >1000 Qi) "Your spiritual sea is a raging ocean, your mind clear. This is a true righteous warrior. Your first step on the path to challenge the heavens." (+10% chances of gaining understanding)]
  • "A True Warrior of the Three Kingdoms" (Acquisition: >1000 HP) "Your body is a temple, your health clear. You are a true warrior of th three kingdoms!" (2* skill progress for any combat skill or defense.)
  • "The Exceeder" (Acquisition: Beat a DC 200) "To surmount a challenge by the gods is to surpass all reason." (+15% XP, one time +30 Respect from friendly Celestial Bureaucracy entities)]
  • "Detective-Inspector of Phoenix City" (Quest Reward) "You know that one truth will prevail" (+10 Investigation, +2 WIS)
  • "Memories of A Galaxy Far Far Away" (Transmigration) - "Your life may have been short, but you had an interesting one." (+5 Appraise, +5 Empathy, +10 Armor)
  • "Known By Your Enemies" (MCU) - "You've made enemies, and some would say that is the truest mark you stood for something. Still, keep your head on a swivel." (+3 DEX, +3 Perception, Sense Hostility in Auras.)
  • ""An Outlaw In Space" 'Being an outlaw means you often have to rely on your wits.' (Gain +15 to sneak attack detection, +15 to sneak attack initiation.)


  • Godslayer: You have killed a god. Deservedly, but still, even a incarnate who is still mortal killing a god changes you. You have stood up, and proved loud and clear, that Fate must be challenged as often as obeyed, and that even a god cannot be immune to justice if it goes against the Mandate of the Heavens.
    • +20 Persuade/Intimidate with Divine Followers
    • +2.5* damage to Deities
    • +10 Luck.
    • -10 to Divine Aura in encounters/battles.
  • Xiaoqiao, the Defender. 'You protected all three, against an organization and nation that would see you founder. You proved that you are willing to stand any storm to defend those you hold dear.' (+4 STR, +6 VIT, +3 Resistance, +3 Tranquility, +40 Reputation(Pheonix City), +40 Reputation Aphrial, +10 Reputation(Keria)
  • Xiaoqiao, the Saintess of Warriors - Through your arms and deeds, you are remembered as a Saintess on Cilia (+4 CHA, +Reputation with Revolutionaries, +30 Rep with Aphrial, +20% Damage against Tyranny)
  • Xiaoqiao, the Dawnseeker: To fall for the new dawn is no misery. +10 Diplomacy, +5 DEX, +5 VIT, +15 damage/to-hit vs evil, Reputation Gains: +20 Reputation with Aphrial, +10 Reputation with Kerian Pantheon
  • Xiaoqiao, the Vigilant: 'The horrors of the past should never be repeated. The price of peace is constant vigilance.', +10 Diplomacy, +5 CHA, Enemy agents have a chance to treat you as an ally if they are not moving against you.

Divine Aspects

  • Essences: 12 total (5 spent on aspects) (1 spent on other)
    • [Tier 1] The Web of Connections - See the tides of fate, and gain post/precognition. This allows for her to see something related to a person, and get a divination of an important thing related to it on a DC 50+target strength on Spellcrafting. This also applies to post and prediction.
    • [Tier 1] Divine Might +500 Qi
    • [Tier 1] Imbuing Presence - Her Qi and Aura soak into objects she's using, constantly, but slowly, raising Artifact level.
    • [Tier 1] - Killing Instinct: Xiaoqiao can radiate a killing instinct at a target, imposing demoralization.
    • [Tier 2] - Divine Senses: As an incarnate, Xiaoqiao's eyes are not blinded by darkness, nor her ears sound, nor can she can be fooled by mortal means or incarnates or deities with less essence than her. As her mortal senses increase, so does the effect from this. Gain extremely precise senses.
    • [Tier 2] - Flying Sword - While originally a mortal art, an incarnate can fly on an sword made of energy, with the added boni that once created, it requires no maintenance, and will only disappear once the incarnate runs out of energy. For every tier of divine aspect reached (2, currently), you can shoot 2 swords at the same damage as your melee attack as an ranged attack while flying. Flies at move speed (or Flash Step speed if used)
    • [Tier 2] - Transcendent Health - +1000 HP
    • [Tier 2] - Divine Resilience - Gain immunities to many mortal worries, and gain the ability to breathe in space or other voids. (Immunity: Aging, Poisons, Temperature Extremes (within reason, she would, like Thor, be very unhappy when a sun's output is focused on her.), etc.)
    • [Tier 2] - Create A Pocket Plane - You can create a plane that you control and can retreat to. This plane is considered coterminus to the main one, and it's defenses are based on your rank. Note that you can not overlay your plane onto this one yet. Such a plane will by default not be habitable without work. Powers that work on your spiritual sea will work on this plane, and enhance your plane's size. (Note: Xiaoqiao can use this for attunement, but later, will get powers that enhance this, such as using it to overlay onto another plane and unleashing attacks from prepared weapons.)


  • Gamer's Body - Medicines take effect instantly, and every hour of rest restores 15% of all resources, and 1 extreme injury, 2 serious injuries, and 4 minor injuries. Injuries that would remove limbs or immediately kill the player are converted to HP damage instead. In this case, though, it's a blessing of the Celestial Bureaucracy.
  • Wandering Last Survivor- You are the last survivor of your world. You have made your peace with this, but it has affected you deeply.
    • When attempting an Appraise or Performance roll, gain 18 in it, as you recall a story, or event, from your old world.
    • Gain Title: "Last of Her World"
  • Kitsune Tail Powers
    • First Tail' - Channel magic/technique through weapons; requires a certain amount of material.
    • Second Tail - Gain Fox-Fire. (3d10 mystical fire, can target targets = number of tails, or use it to enhance stats by +3 per tail)
    • Third Tail - Damage of Fox-Fire increases to 5d10, stat increase to +5 per tail.
    • Fourth Tail - Gain Create Illusions, as if it was a L3 spell. These are exceptionally believable.
    • Fifth Tail - Can disguise kitsune nature, bypassable with a Very Difficult Spellcraft check, as well as Fox-Fire being 7d10 per 10 Qi spent on it (stat increase is now +7 per tail.)
  • Fatebreaker - Gain +5 to any roll to alter fate. In certain situations, can change history towards the users will.
  • Limited Gamer's Mind- One playing the Game of the System gains a mind of a video game character. In this case, though, it's a blessing of the Celestial Bureaucracy.
    • Needs 2 hour of rest per 24 hours up. Can force immediate sleep, and mind control and alteration effects no longer function. Lessens the effects of extreme stress and emotion, and grants access to the Concentration and Tranquility skills.
  • "The Stars of the Heavens Purify All In Their Sight" - +10 to any roll purifying or cleansing an area, can spend +50% Qi to make any area attack cleanse.
  • Instructor - Can teach others arts and techniques that the user knows, as long as they are not more complex than the level of Instructor. (Current Level 1: Dim Perception)


[Dim Perception -> Slight Perception -> Approaching -> Slight Understanding -> Deep Understanding -> True Understanding -> Instinctive Mastery] [Unskilled->Initiate->Adept->Disciple->Expert->Master->Grand Master->True Master]

  • From the sounds of the rivers, to the winds of the forests, to the mist of the sea, everything becomes enlightenment. [Tier 3][+50% accuracy][DC 50+Difficulty Spellcraft to learn techniques]

  • Spiritual Sea (School: The Void and the Stars)[Deep Understanding][Disciple] - The size of a medium town (1 mi by 1 mi by .4996 mi) (1609.3 x 1609.3 x 804.1 meters )
    • The Filament of Stars [Spellcrafting Check: DC 36] - Can control the atmosphere of a bubble in the spiritual sea, as well as methods of access to it.
    • Chapel of the Void Completion Bonus - Bump the sea size up by three tiers.
  • The Inner Flow of Qi (School: The Void and the Stars)[Instinctive Understanding][Master] - Refills 70/Qi minute up to the cap. Negates 110 Qi cost/-25 to-hit on [Qi] tagged techniques. Can focus this to add 25% damage, +40 to-hit. This focus costs 80 Qi, and lasts for two minutes. Can absorb Qi from the environment up to 15% of cap.
  • Perfect Vision (School: The Void and the Stars)[Deep Understanding][Adept] - "See beyond sight. Hear beyond hearing." Costs: 131 Qi activation; With effort, see through suppressed or hidden Qi. Sense Qi flow (all known types), and other magical or supernatural powers. Once activated, does not turn off. Can see through invisibility effects. Sense auras and hostility. Will grant a Dodge chance for an attack from Stealth even if undetected. [Qi]
  • Flash Step (School: The Void and the Stars)[Slight Understanding][Adept] Cost: 190 Qi/minute. When activated, you can move at 21*AGI ft/round. (176.59 mph/284.194 kph) [Qi]
  • Mastery of Self (School: The Void and the Stars)[True Understanding][Adept] Cost: 125 Qi for activation. During activation, gain +60 to resist curses, or technologies that alter your self. You are aware of memory alteration effects, and able to detect reality alteration effects. Resist atmospheric penalties for low oxygen, too cold, too warm (-30 C to 60 C). This stays on until deactivated. [Qi]
    • Trait: Psionic Resistance: Immunity to mental takeover, +70 to telepathic attacks and mind reading attempts.
  • True Strike (School: The Void and the Stars)[Instinctive Mastery][Initiate] Cost: 120 Qi. This allows you to add double your attack bonus to a cap of +50 added. [Qi]
  • Perfect Strike (School: The Void and the Stars)[Approaching Understanding][Adept] Cost: 300 Qi. This allows you to add double your attack bonus to damage and to-hit to a cap of +100 added. [Qi]
  • The Mountain Stands Alone Against The Wind and Trees (School: The Cold Light of the Moon)[Deep Understanding][Initiate] - Cost: 120 Qi/pool. Each pool allows you to negate 100 damage. On taking 200 damage from any single source, make a Tranquility DC check at damage/10 to maintain the remaining pools. Can replenish floating pool by spending same amount of activation Qi. [4 uses]
  • Instant Transmission (School: The Techniques of a Hero of the Past) [Approaching][Expert] [Spellcrafting Check: DC 90]- Cost: 120 Qi. Can teleport yourself to a location you can see or place. Can do this without regard to distance, plane. Must be in the same universe. [12 uses]
    • Trait: Can carry people with her, or objects up to her carrying capacity. Can also group teleport within a radius of 100'.
    • Trait: Can summon the Bifrost as a visual to mask her teleportation.
    • Trait: Inherent boost to manipulating any device or spell that deals with teleportation or spatial manipulation
  • "Zone of Truth" (School: The Cold Light of the Moon)[Dim Perception][Disciple] "The moon compels truth to all who see it's beauty" Cost: 150 Qi/minute. While active, the caster can compel a target to speak. The DC is the casters CHA+INT vs their CHA+INT. It is a pure battle of aura. [20 uses]
  • Shield of the Heavens (School: The Cold Light of the Moon)[Slight Perception][Disciple] "The moon shields the stars from view, so shall you shield those behind you." Cost: 150 Qi/minute. Extend a shield to deflect blows in a arc in front of you, covering 60'. This will block attacks up to 400 damage. While you are doing this, you cannot move.
  • "Jedi Persuade" (School: The Force)[Approaching][Adept Art] (Spellcrafting DC 100) - Cost 120+? Qi (see notes). You can attempt to influence minds to agree with you or do something. Note that stronger willed individuals will add 100 Qi. You may need a Spiritual Arts check to influence them. Some are just immune.
  • "The Eternal Library" (School: Technique of a Hero of the Past)[Approaching][Adept Art] - Cost 40 Qi/minute. Can manifest a book that Xiaoqiao took time to learn. Note that books require 6 hours per three hundred pages to add to the library. The library can store 10 + 5 * Understanding Tier + INT + CHA books. Books added to the library can only be retrievable for a month unless copied down to something else and readded. (Improvements allow for more books, faster copying, longer storage.)
  • Status (School: The Cold Light of the Moon) Cost: 30 Qi. Gain basic weather status, time, location, magic flows. Viewable data is limited by wielders understanding and ability to understand what raw data means.
    • Unlocked Features: Self Status
    • Locked Features: Is Person Enemy?, Weather Prediction, Adv. Weather Prediction, Electromagnetic Flow, Magic Status, Biome Status, Chemical and Radioactive Breakdown, Sanctity, Geological Resources, Enemy Power Level Perception, Enemy Status
  • "Matter Conversion" (School: The Forge of the Gods) [Initiate Art][True Understanding] - Cost 85 Qi/cubic meter or liter. The spellcrafting DC goes up by the chart below depending on material. So does the cost. Improvement of the technique increases the amount that can be converted per cast, and decreases DC/cost increases.
    • Trait: In Situ Repair: Can repair components that are primarily metallic or alloys with this spell.
    • Trait: High Efficiency Mineral Conversion: When converting to a metal or other mineral that is solo element, it is -20 Qi/cubic meter.
    • Trait: Alloy Melder: Can create an alloy with the same cost as HEMC. Alloys created in this way are harder to analyze or identify.
  • "Matter Compression"' (School: The Forge of the Gods) [Initiate Art][Dim Perception] - Cost 200 Qi per cubic meter to compress a mineral into a much more dense form.
  • "Matter Transference" (School: The Forge of the Gods) [Initiate Art][Dim Perception] - Cost 100 Qi per cubic meter per meter moved. - Move materials x meters. Can move through solid objects.
  • The Night Winds That Bring Relief "The cool night winds bring relief to all." (School: The Flashing Sands, the Hot Winds)[Slight Understanding][Initiate Art] (Spellcrafting DC: 45+12 for every 50 Qi) - For every 50 Qi spent, heal 12d10 damage.
  • The Fire That Summons the Night Winds "Alight your sword, and charge your soul! Summon the night winds with the purifying fire." (School: The Flashing Sands, the Hot Winds)[Approaching][Expert Art] (Spellcrafting: DC 115) - Cost: 110 Qi. Single target, damage: 14d25 + 15d20 fire.
  • The Blade of the Stars That Judges "The light of the stars overflows with the judgement of the just." (School: The Flashing Sands, the Hot Winds)[Instinctive Mastery][Adept Art] (Spellcrafting: DC 44)- Cost: 200 Qi. (Damage: 10d20 normal + 12d25 holy + 13d20 fire) If the target takes any damage, you can attempt to purify them. You purify at a bonus of [b]+130[/b].
    • Traits: Purifying Judgement: Gain +20% damage against enemies standing in the way of a new dawn as long as they are equal or greater than you in power.
    • Traits: The Wrath of the Righteous: Can double the cost for double the damage and a +50 in purification bonus.
  • [Forbidden Technique: Megiddo] "Channel the wrath of Armageddon. Let no evil survive." (School: The Flashing Sands, the Hot Winds)[Dim Perception][Grand Master Art] (Spellcrafting: DC 200) - Cost: 500 Qi. Deal (20d15 fire+20d20 void+25d20 normal+20d20 stellar) damage to everything within a 250' range. Requires a DC 140 Tranquility check to avoid dealing this damage to yourself. Requires a DC 125 Tranquility check to not lose an amount of Qi equal to amount used. This technique takes three days to recharge. Using a ritual cast decreases all DCs by 30.
  • "Star Clone Technique" (School: The Cold Light of the Moon) [Deep Understanding][Expert][50 Qi/clone/hour] OR [50 Qi/minute] - This can be used in two ways. First, to provide clones with enough Qi to act as decoys or effective shadows. (Grants +15 Dodge, +25% chance to negate attack.) A second usage is using clones to speed learn skills and knowledge. This is at a penalty, and is mostly useful for low level skills or current information. These clones can do some level of tasks, but nothing that the owner regards as complex.
  • "The Light of the Moon Leeches All" (School: The Cold Light of the Moon) [Deep Understanding][Disciple] 40 Qi/attempt. - Dispel magic and magical effects from an person. Spellcraft DC is level of enemy caster + spell bonus - 50. Permanent curses from non deities are DC 100 to dispel for objects and people. Deities are DC 170. To gain the spell or effect from a dispelled item, make a DC 140+item rarity grade spellcheck.
    • Traits: Divine Healer, Disenchanter.
  • "Telekinetics" (School: Psionics) [Slight Perception][Initiate] - Cost: 140 Qi per 5 kg. This lets you push, pull, or throw something telekinetically.
  • "The March of the Righteous Host" (School: The Cold Light of the Moon) [Deep Understanding][Disciple] - Cost: 90 Qi, Allies gain +(CHA/3)+8 to Attack, Damage, Regeneration +100 HP/minute, +3 Qi/minute, Corruption Resistance, and +30 to resist fear.
  • ["Straight Fist Punch"]["Seiken-zuki"] (School: Jigen Haō-ryū)[Approaching][Initiate] - Cost: 185 Qi. Deal 14d20 normal damage to a single target. Has a -20 to-hit penalty. [Qi]
    • Variant ["Holy Fist Punch"] replace normal with holy.
  • ["Holy Spear Kick"]["Seiken-zuki"] (School: Jigen Haō-ryū)[Slight Understanding][Initiate] - Cost: 210 Qi. Jump high, and descend with a diving kick, charging with holy energy - 15d10 normal damage and 18d10 holy damage. On damage > 150, knock target back. Has a -20 to-hit penalty. [Qi]
  • ["Whirlwind Tornado Kick"]["Senpū Tatsumaki-geri"] (School: Jigen Haō-ryū)[Slight Understanding][Disciple] - Cost: 200 Qi. Spins rapidly to generate a powerful vortex, parrying attacks and incoming long ranged attacks. Incoming attacks have a 35% hit chance until this attack is completed. Enemies nearby have a 60% chance to miss anything due to the vortex. It ends with a 19d20 normal attack to a target. Has a -20 to-hit penalty. [Qi].
  • ["Bullet Rock-Breaking Fist"]["Dangan Hagan-ken"] (School: Jigen Haō-ryū)[True Understanding][Adept] - Cost: 220 Qi. This attack strikes the ground with a charged fist, shattering the ground and dealing 13d20 to everyone around for a 90' range, potentially knocking them over if they fail an Athletics check. [Qi]
  • ["Flashing Magic Kick"]["Senkō Majutsu-geri"] (School: Jigen Haō-ryū)[Seeking Understanding][Adept] - Cost: 190 Qi. This attack strikes the enemy with a leg charged with the wind from above, followed by a bounce back blow. (Damage: 9d20 wind + 17d20 electric + 10d20 normal). [Qi]
  • ["Blue Sky Crimson Fist"]["Soten Guren-ken"] (School: Jigen Haō-ryū)[Seeking Understanding][Adept] - Cost: 190 Qi. A simple uppercut, blowing the enemy back. (Damage: 14d20 fire + 12d20 water + 8d10 normal) [Qi]
  • ["Spinning Meteor Punch"]["Ryusei Rasen-ken"] (School: Jigen Haō-ryū)[Seeking Understanding][Adept] - Cost: 340 Qi. Pierce a target with stellar damage and then behind it for 150'. (Deal: 30d30 damage to one target, then 12d20 stellar damage for 150' in a line behind it.) [Qi]
  • ["The Force of the Cleansing Gale"]["Shippu-zuki"] (School: Jigen Haō-ryū)[Deep Understanding][Intitiate] - Cost: 310 Qi. Disperses Misama or other harmful gasses within a 300' sphere. Any enemies in it are blown back with 15d20 damage. (Deal: 30d30 damage to one target, then 12d20 stellar damage for 150' in a line behind it.) [Qi]
  • ["Earth-Rending Wave Fist"]["Hadō Reppaku-ken"] (School: Jigen Haō-ryū)[Deep Understanding][Intitiate] - Cost: 260 Qi. Deal damage of 15d20 earth in a 120' wave in front. [Qi]
  • [Meikyo Shisui] (School: Jigen Haō-ryū)[Adept Art][True Understanding] - Cost: 115 Qi. Pass a Tranquility check of DC 70 to activate, 40 Qi activation cost. Unlocks attacks tagged Inner Mystery. Your next three attacks are double damage. Gain +40 Armor (40 DR) and +20 Dodge. After 5 minutes, this deactivates and you cannot reactivate it for an hour. [Qi]
  • [Pheonix Technique]["Kyōiwaza"] (School: Jigen Haō-ryū)[Dim Perception][Expert] (Spellcraft DC: 170) - Cost: 450 Qi. Manifest all the fragments of your soul into a blazing pheonix, and summon it forth. Deal 40d30 damage to one target. The technique also deals the same damage to any buildings in it's path. As a finale, use it to shatter any target. (DC 130+30 per object size Spellcraft, must succeed in a ranged or melee attack depending on distance.) [Qi][Inner Mystery]]
  • [Burning Heat Fist]["Netsu-ken"] (School: Jigen Haō-ryū)[Approaching][Expert] (Spellcraft DC: 130) - Cost: 425 Qi. Channel your will to win, your love, your sorrow and all of your anger. [Melee Attack] (Deal 25d20 transcendent damage + 30d20 fire damage to one target. Make an immediate melee attack. On success, the target is caught in a giant glowing hand. All further attacks bypass armor to this target for 10 turns. Make a further DC 70 Tranquility check for HEAT END (Deal 55d20 fire damage.) [Qi][Inner Mystery]
  • [Sky and Earth Shattering Fist]["Sekiha Tenkyoken"] (School: Jigen Haō-ryū)[True Understanding][Expert] (Spellcraft DC: 120) - Cost: 500 Qi. Focus all of the might of your soul into your fist, and summon the winds of the King, to restore the peace. [Ranged Attack] (Deal 70d40 transcendent damage to one target) [Qi][Inner Mystery]]
  • [Hidden Technique: "Killing Blow: Holy Gale Crimson Rock-Breaking Flash Meteor Rending Fist"; Acquire Conditions: Drop below 10% HP. Use: Under 25% HP, Meikyo Shisui and The Inner Flow of Qi Active, Cost: All Remaining Qi. Manifest a bunch of spiritual clones that all channel an attack. Damage: 18d20 holy + 13d20 wind + 14d20 fire + 13d20 normal + 17d20 + 20d20 stellar + 20d20 Earth + 50d25 transcendent. The last will also damage/destroy terrain behind the target. After usage, all damage from techniques is quartered for a hour. Level: Expert. Understanding: True] [Not Yet Realized]
  • Spells: Create Book From Memory, Copy Book


  • Teria, White Dove Familiar
    • Tier 10 Familiar: +100 Qi, +20 Perception, Flight +15, +10 Spellcrafting, +4 to all mental stats and AGI.
    • Ability: Shared Senses, Deliver Ranged Spell, Bestow Flight, Maximize Technique (4/turn), Teleport Boost, Shield (10 uses/turn)


  • Amulet of the 7 Moons- A mystical amulet. [bound to transmigrator soul]
    • Effects: Sigil of Khaliah, +1 to all rolls at night, +10 Armor, +25% Holy Damage
    • Effects: Blessing of Water, +1 to all rolls near water, +5% chance to resist disease and poisons
  • 'The Arms of the Starry Heavens' [Artifact Level 1][Extraordinary Grade][Attuned] - +9 to-hit/+9 damage. Ability: "Magic is Magic" granted; These weapons are attunable, and allow for any arts to be channeled through them. Force Powers and Qi based Techniques deal double damage when channeled. When in use, the wielder throws off doubles, in a Bunshin like effect, granting the wielder +15% to Dodge.]
  • 'Blessed Sword of the Stars' [Artifact Level 1][Unknown Grade][Attuned] - +3 to-hit/+3 damage. Ability: None. Is an impossibly hard sword, but counts as wooden. Is also immune to fire. Permits any arts to be channeled through them.
  • Heaven-Silk Kimono (Artifact) - [Attuned][Legendary Grade] This beautiful kimono made of mystical silk provides resilience and armor to match full armor. (Resistance works against all hazards, does not require feats; +7 Resistance; +5 Armor +5 Armor/Qi spent on the kimono) [+5 Armor for attuning][10 upgrades remaining]
  • "The Way of Flowing Lakes, Roaring Waterfalls and Still Waters", an instructional book that can be read and studied to improved Martial Arts and teach up to and including Adept level Arts
  • Small Knapsack of Holding - [Attuned] Can store up to 25kg of items in the spiritual sea.
  • Astral Starshine - [Artifact Level 1] 200 damage/30 Qi a shot. Must declare elemental type per shot. When attuned, gain +50 damage and +20 accuracy. Can be set to "semi-automatic", allowing three shots a round. Qi a shot is now 35. On a spellcrafting check of DC 140, the gun can be overloaded to go to fire nine shots a round, at 500 damage/75 Qi per. This lasts for five rounds, after which time the gun needs to be magically cooled down and cannot be overloaded again for a day. [Attuned]
  • Ring of the Stars - [Attuned] *1.5 damage to all spells.
  • Bracer of Armor - [Wore] 15% chance to negate attacks that make it past Dodge.
  • Rainbow Rose - ???


  • 13,112 USD.
  • 5x Glock 17s, ammo, taser guns, etc.


  • Historic Tomes of The Slime Country: Vol. 1, 2

Setting Archive



  • [Defining][Main] Become Who You Were Meant To Be": You saw a beautiful ten-tailed kitsune in that pool of stars, pretty and strong. You saw your future. Objectives: Gain Level 100, CHA 100. Have Eight Moments of Exceeding Yourself [4/8], ???? , ????. Reward: Epithet, Power.
  • [Subquest] "Develop a Fold Drive for the Base": 'You need an FTL drive. And you know of a way to make multiple things make the fold drive from an old theory.' Objectives: Develop a Working Fold Drive, Rewards: 12000 XP, gain a base that can travel through space, ???), Failure: Leave the MCU world before completion, do not attune the base.
  • [Main] "A War In Heaven: Clear the MCU front.": 'You saw one of the first fractures of an oncoming war. Now you had to clean it.' Objectives: Defeat Morgannu, Morgan Le Fay and Clear the Portals and Defeat the Fallen Goddess Dai Qishia, Repair the Rift. Rewards: Epithet, Divine Essences, +100k XP, Void Power
  • [MCU] "Demonic Incursion: Repair the Seal or Defeat the Sealed Demon": 'A seal in Japan is weakening, and you have been asked to investigate.' Objectives: Investigate the Seal, ????, ????. Rewards +1 Priestess Level, Ofuda Ability Improves, 15000 XP
  • [MCU] "Investigate the Kree Monolith 'No one who has entered this has left.' Objectives: Enter the Monolith, [b]Defeat Hive[/b]. Failure State: Get Absorbed by Hive. Rewards: Title, +Rep with Vatican, +Knights Hospitaller, +SHIELD, --Rep with HYDRA, 50000 XP. [b]NOTE:[/b] Not recommended under Level 20.
  • [Main] "Gain Divine Senses" 'A being of divine rank 3 does approach the threshold of demigod-hood. You should work on senses beyond senses.', Objectives: Find the Library of All Worlds, Research Divine Senses, Meet the Requirements for Tier 1, Reach Perception 101 Rewards: +26000 XP, Title "Demigoddess of the Void"


  • Coulson, Fury


  • Aphrial: 501 (Trusted Agent)
  • Heavenly Order of the Three Moonlit Paths: 298 (Trusted Daughter)
  • Kamal-Taj: 20
  • Iron Gang: -20
  • Howard Stark: -5 (Unsettled)
  • Tony Stark: -5 (Unsettled)
  • MCU PRC: 13
  • MCU Inhumans: 25
  • MCU Ten Rings: -10
  • MCU Soviet Union: 15
  • MCU CIA: 10
  • MCU Wakanda: -5
  • MCU HYDRA: -80 (Hunted)
  • MCU SHIELD: 25 (Useful Freelancer)
  • Kerian Pantheon: 93 (Very Positive)
  • Keria: 250 (Saintess)
  • Jedi Order: 100 (Respected Jedi Knight of Antiquity)
  • Heavenly Order of the Sunlit Glades: -20 (Slightly Negative)