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You have [B]180[/B] RP, [B]10[/B] AP, [B]8[/B] FP to spend on actions.

[Spoiler=Active Quests]
[*]Main, Defining: [B]Attain the Dream: Be a Defender[/B]: You saw once how the dearth of compassion, and the unwillingness in those in power resulted in the death of an entire world. You swore to strive to never let that happen again. [B]Objectives:[/B] Gain Level 10, [I]VIT 20[/I], [I]Resolve Quests Survive the Onslaught[/I], Resolve Quests To Stand Free,??? Successfully, Defend the Weak. [B]Reward:[/B] Epithet, Power, Special Item.
[*]Main, Defining: [B]Become Who You Were Meant To Be."[/B]: You saw a beautiful ten-tailed kitsune in that pool of stars, pretty and strong. You saw your future. [B]Objectives:[/B] Gain Level 100, CHA 100. Have Eight Moments of Exceeding Yourself [1/8], ???? , ????. [B]Reward:[/B] Epithet, Power.
[*]Main: [B]To Stand Free[/B]: You have triumphed, and now breathe free air. Yet others will come to attack... [B]Objectives:[/B] ???, [B]Results:[/B] ???
[*][Keria][Trouble in the Jungle Chain]: [b]"Investigate The Perpetrator"[/b]: The local goddess has been recovered, but it would take an artifact or someone of some power to imprison even such a minor god. And they clearly are up to no good. [B]Objectives[/B]: Reach Level 6, [locked], [locked] [B]Rewards[/B]: ???, ???, ???
[*][Keria][Pheonix City Nights]: [b]"The Dark Chapel of Kalria"[/b]: ??????, [b]Objectives[/b]: Reach Level 6, [locked]x6, [b]Results:[/b] ????

Relations with Kerian Pantheon: Very Good
AP: [B]10[/B] (3 Bonus AP persists until end of this world.)
RP: [B]180[/B] (30 Bonus RP persists until end of this world)
RP Storage (Urgent): [B]70[/B] RP
RP Storage (non-Urgent): [B]0[/B] RP ([B]1080[/B] RP cap)
Enemy Rolls vs You: +41 (+10 Enemy Bonus +35 Enemy Bonus -4 Labryinth Progress)
Enemy Chance to Detect Your Action: 80% (1d100 on rolls >20)
Enemy Rolls vs Xiaomei: ????
Labryinth of Regret Repair Progress: 2/10 [Enemy takes -4 to all rolls]
Tree of the Heavens Health: 32.95% [Penalties: ????; Celestial Bureacracy Internal Affairs Bureau: [B]Extremely Inefficient[/B]] (1/5 Times)
Incarnation Investigation: [B]1[/B] Success; [B]1[/B] Heat Meter
FP: [B]8[/B] (10 completed quests.) (1 FP spent per turn)

Enemy: Hong Meiling; Rep: Takeda Daichi (Minor Goddess of ???)
[Stats on Enemy Blocked]
[B]+82[/B] to resist enemy action or overcome enemy block attempt. ([B]+45[/B] this world only.)(+10 for 2 turns)
[B]Sight:[/B] +2 (Enhanced) (Gain more information and a +10 to resist enemy.)
[4 turns to attempt to decrease your bonus by (35/2???)]

Ci Xiaomei (Cilia) Awareness: [B]12[/B]/300
Ci Xiaomei Defiance: [B]5[/B] (Very Low)
Ci Xiaomei Level:[B] 5[/B] XP: [B]1550[/B]/2000
Ci Xiaomei Defense against ????: +10
Event Notes: [B]Certain Events in the Next World Locked; Dao of Luck ??? Event Unlocked[/B]

[*](gain +3 morale to rolls for 1 turns)

-[] AP Pool
--[] Get Xiaomei a fortunate encounter ([B]2[/B] AP. Spend +[B]2[/B] AP to make it more fortunate.)
--[] Burn AP to reveal a hint about an ongoing quest. ([B]1[/B] AP for subquests, [B]2[/B] AP for Main quests.)
--[] Improve RP Pool ([B]3[/B] AP for +[B]10[/B] RP. Cost triples every [B]3[/B] AP spent. RP cost increase is for this world, see transmigration mechanics.) (Taken three times)
--[] Help cloud your enemies sight. [2 AP]
--[] Counter your enemies blocking your sight. [2 AP]
--[] Improve Your Sight.([B]3[/B] AP), [B]+5[/B] to your rolls on Enemy Action, more Information on action results. Cost increases +[B]1[/B] AP each time.) (Current Roll: [B]+7[/B]) (Level 1 Sight)
--[] Send a Omen to the World. ([B]5[/B] AP. ??? Effects, mostly beneficial to Xiaomei.)

-[] Celestial Intrigue Actions (mixed) (+25 to rolls (+10 this world))
--[] Covertly Repair the Tree of the Heavens (2 FP 2 AP): This action is repeatable up to Xiaomei's level. (Current Times: 1/5), and can be repaired by approximately 3.2%.[QM Note: Do not take this more than once a turn unless you want negative consequences. Amount repairable is tied to Xiaomei. Also note the slowdown means the Tree will slowly take more damage.]
--[] Celestial Bureaucracy Anti-Corruption Actions (0/?? Completed)
---[] Clean the General Meeting Spaces (1 AP 10 RP)
---[] Clean the "Secure" Meeting Spaces (2 AP 20 RP) (Light Risk of Retallation)
---[] Clean the Faction Meeting Spaces (4 AP 40 RP) (High Risk of Retaliation)
---[] Further Actions Locked.
---[] [s]Get Books Returned To The Library (10 AP) (Very High Risk of Retaliation)[/s] (7 Actions Required Completed)
--[] What has Aphreal been doing (1 AP)
--[] Hong Meiling Actions
---[] (Light Risk) Gain an idea to her resources. (2 AP 20 RP) [Gain Name of Agent]
---[] (Moderate Risk) Investigate her actions. Backtrack how she even was able to interfere with the Celestial Princesses Plans. (3 AP, 2 FP, 10 RP) [Reduced Enemy Effectiveness]
---[] (Moderate Risk) Investigate the trail. See if you can cut off some of her resource base. [Reduced Enemy Resources, Goodwill with the Bureaucracy, +trickle of resources] (3 AP, 3 FP)
---[] (High Risk) Get one of her catspaws removed from their position. This might give you away, though.. [Reduced Enemy Actions] (100 RP, 1 FP, 1 AP)
--[] Xiaomei has inherited the soul of someone who was once a god, and this must meant she was one of the dead gods. That'll take some time but maybe it'll identify the enemy some. (1 AP 5 RP per turn, ??? turns)
--[s][] Gain some insight into how warping the fate of things works. Event: ????, (1 FP) (Repeatable)[/s] (Once per every 5 levels. Next Use: Level 8)
--[] Urgent Times often carry a lot of risk. Gain insight into enemy actions during FP. (4 turns) (1 FP per turn)
--[] Some worlds have no gods that intervene. This could be a problem for Xiaomei. You should investigate ways around it. (2 AP, Must be taken 5 times, does not need to be every turn.)
--[] Incarnation seems risky, but yet the enemy persisted? (3 FP per turn, increased risk.) [Taken 2 Time]
--[] You could use some assistance and resources. (Gain hints as to which actions have what results. But also: gain a slow trickle of resources.) (10 RP and 2 AP per turn, must be taken every turn till completed.) (4 Turns)

-[] RP Pool
--[] Create Magical Items For Sale in the Market: Come up with common magical items. Try for utility over weapons and armor. Inspire an artisan or professional depending on cost to sell them frequently (12 RP to come up with a single per three-week availability, 30 RP for a seller to have them available up to 9 times a turn.) [??? Event][??? Outcome]
--[] Bank RP for later-use. (Banked RP caps at the same cap as unspent.) (Cost: ??? RP)
--[] Spend resources to enhance your AP (Improve your magical options) (Gain +[B]1[/B] AP per [B]55[/B] RP spent.) (Cost increases every +2 AP by +[B]20[/B] RP per AP) (AP is for this world, see transmigration mechanics.) (Taken three times)
--[] Spend resources to make your interference less obvious to potential watchers in the Bureaucracy. (Enemy difficulty to directly affect your DCs increases, your bonus on opposing them increases. Cost: [B]170[/B] RP.) (Actions taken 3 time.)
--[] Spend 5 RP per "suggestion" to have Xiaomei replace one of "Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, Spellcasting Skill (Concentration, Tranquility, Spellcasting, Use Magical Device), 3 random spells, Dodge, Block or Parry, One Knowledge Skill, Repair Equipment, Craft Equipment, random crafting skill" with another skill she knows to train it. (Limit: 5 suggestions)  
--[] Spend resources in aiding someone. (Cost: [B]Variable[/B])
---[] [Keria] A Deity. This will usually be some form of a power up. This could be bad or good. (Insufficient Sight to Have More Information)
---[] [Celestial Bureaucracy] You may be sealed up, but you know the ways of things. Grease palms to get things done. This will primarly have ??? benefits, as you're paying for information or slowing down event chains. (Unlocked by the Intrique action completing) (Explain the cost and what you're looking for for that cost. Assume you'll need at least 35RP to get anything useful.)
--[] Spend resources to create very bad luck for someone.. (Write-In, explain. Better explanations decrease cost, may have other benefits.)(Cost: [B]70[/B] RP)

-[] FP Pool
--[] Spend X points of FP to get more random encounters for Xiaomei. (1 FP = 2 encounters)
--[] Bend Fate. (Awareness +5)(This is a visible warping of fate, obvious to Xiaomei and the enemy, as well as anyone of sufficient magical power. Certain things cost more FP.) ([B]1[/B] FP, ??? Effects.)(Spend more FP to increase the effects. Awareness increases by [B]3[/B] per FP spent.)
---[] Change the history of an organization (Base Cost: [B]2[/B] FP. Please explain the change, and why.
---[] Set an encounter for Xiaomei to change the fate of someone. (Explain why, and who. Base Cost:[B]2[/B] FP. Note if this is something impossible it'll convert to a quest. Note that she cannot see Quests.)
---[] Ask a local deity for assistance in giving Xiaomei a quest. (Cost: [B]2[/B] FP, locked. They may not be something you want, but unless you pick badly, it should always be something good for Xiaomei, or a lesson, etc.)
--[] Set One Good Roll to .. ([B]30[/B]/[B]1[/B] FP, [B]50[/B]/[B]2[/B] FP, [B]70[/B]/[B]3[/B] FP) (Specify if it's one of Xiaomei's rolls, or yours. Default: yours)
--[] Ensure a fateful meeting is positive for character. [Follow-Up Cost] (+[B]7[/B] FP, ??? effects, +?? Awareness)(If no person met is specified, this is QM's choice. The more FP spent here, the more positive effects, basically.) (Has a chance for follow up RP or FP costs depending on encounter.) (Action taken 4 times)
--[] Change the Fate of a Character. Note that more blatant displays of divine power will increase Awareness and possibly Defiance. ([B]2[/B] FP)
--[] Cause a sidequest to appear for Xiaomei. ([B]2[/B]FP, spend additional FP to make it easier or increase effects.) (Write in quest in *detail.* Note better rewards might make the quest very annoying if you do not also spend more FP, and Xiaomei cannot see the quest details yet.)