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You add [b]1[/b] stat point to the pool on level up. See the Mechanics: Stat Growth for how much things cost. If you don't want to spend it, you can add it to the pool for later use.
Pool Status: 0 pts

-[ ] Spend Point On:
--[ ] Write In
-[ ] Add Point to Pool for Later Use

Skills get [b]6[/b] stat points, with no skill advancing more than 3 ranks. See Mechanics: Skill Growth for how much things cost. You can choose to add unspent points to a pool.

-[ ] Spend Points On:
--[ ] Write In.
-[ ] Save Skill Points for Later Use

(if even-number):
You can pick a feat/ability. Please keep in line with powers on sheet or demonstrated in the quest.
-[ ] Write In: (name) (desc)