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Personnel Background Data

Personnel Background
XP Total XP Spent
4050 3250
----- ----- ----- ----- Relevant Notes
(Lifepath results)
Name: Salia Takeshima Age 28 (+4, +6) years
Nationality: O-12 Heritage: Yu Jing (Shualai) Faction Skill: Tech [+1 Expertise, Signature, +1 Focus], Education [+1 Expertise]

Talent: Natural Engineer (May reroll any dice that did not generate a success, must accept new result) (-1 LP)

Sex: Female Gender: Female -----
Birth Host: +0 Body Host: +0 +0 LP
Homeworld: Human's Edge Current Faction: O-12 Human Edge (Language: Yujingyu) [+1 Awareness +1 Agility] [Tech +1 Expertise] [-1 LP] [10 left] (Kibo Station) (-1 LP)
Social Status: Demogrant Home Environment: Frontier Life Demogrant [Personality +1] [Earnings 2]

Yu Jing Status: Shualai (Language +Japanese) Home Status: Frontier Life [+1 Brawn] [Resistance +1 Expertise] [-1 LP] [9 left]

Youth Event: Discovered street racing ----- ----- -1 LP
Education: Military ----- ----- 8 left]

Education: Military Training [-1 LP] [7 left] (Yu jing military academy) [+2 Brawn +1 Agility -1 Intelligence],

10 Brawn 9 Agi 6 Int

[Acrobatics +1 Expertise, Athletics +1 Expertise, Ballistics +1 Expertise,

Close Combat +1 Expertise, Observation +1 Expertise]

[Tech +1 Education +1] [Signature: Close Combat, gain first talent] Martial Artist: When making melee attack, may reroll [num of close combat talents] acquired. [Gear: Armoured Clothing (Dress Uniform), Pistol] Gear Stats: Pistol [Range: R/C; 1+4§, Burst 1, 1H, Standard Ammo, Viscious 1] Armoured Clothing (Dress Uniform): [1 Arm, 1 Leg, Hidden Armour 2], -1 LP

Adolescent Event: You became involved in an underground fighting ring. ------ ----- (Close Combat +1 Expertise] [-1 LP]
Languages: Japanese, Yujingyu
Infinity Points Refresh Reaction Tracker
n/a 2§ n/a
Placeholder image
Career Duration Event Relevant Notes (Lifepath results)
Phase 1 NeoBushi 4 The official Party line ruled your death an accident. But you know the truth (-2 LP); SKILLS: Close Combat, Resistance , Discipline, Education, Acrobatics Signature: Discipline +1 Expertise
Phase 2 Special Forces (O-12) 6 Salia's mother's best friend contacted her for help with a desperate debt, and Salia assisted her. (Debt 4) (-2 LP);

Survival, Resistance, Ballistics, Close Combat, Discipline; Jaded; Earnings 3

For The Good of the Family
Extended History and Description
Salia was born in Human's Edge on one of the Yu Jing stations primarily managed by the ethnic Japanese population. She had a fairly normal population for someone of her society class, but she was always a second class citizen. In a way, the encounters of her youth drove her to first encounter street racing, but later she got involved in an underground fighting ring, which would determine her path in life. Becoming what was called a modern samurai by the Japanese, and a neobushi by everyone else, she wandered through the StateEmpire to master her blade. This consistently took her to the more wild places, but she died during this time.

While this was 'an accident', it was clear to her, that it wasn't even she hadn't even reached into a place that she wasn't supposed to go into, but she had been killed for who she was. While she knows largely why she was killed, and can make a good guess why, she chose to not avenge it since it could possibly drive retribution towards her family. Peculiarly, while she was resurrected, the Lhost she was resurrected to was a custom model, and sometimes Salia has very much wondered if there was a deeper tie there.

These events drove her to leave the StateEmpire, renouncing her heritage, and join O-12. With her focus on melee tactics, she was a natural fit for the O-12 special forces and joined them. Her career there was largely unremarkable, excluding when her mother's friend contacted her for assistance, and while Salia assisted them, she incurred a moderate debt that took her some time to pay off.

Salia is a short woman of almost exclusively Japanese descent, despite her first name, and has short black hair and very dark green eyes.

Damage Tracker
Firewall - - - - - - - X X X X X X X X Breaches
Resolve - - - - - - - - - - - - - X X Metanoia
Vigor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wounds
Security 0
Morale 0
Harm Effects:
Armor: Powered Combat Armor
Qualities: Comms, Exoskeleton 3, Kinematika, Self-Repairing
Hit Location Soak Value Die Roll
Head 4 1-2
R.Arm 3 3-5
L. Arm 3 6-8
Torso 5 9-14
R.Leg 3 15-17
L.Leg 3 18-20
Name Teseum Chopper
Damage Range Burst Size Qualities: Ammo
1+9§ Melee - Unbalanced Non-hackable, Piercing 4, Vicious 2 -
Name: Combi Rifle
Damage Range Burst Size Qualities: Ammo
1+6§ C/M 2 2H MULTI Light Mod, Vicious 1 Standard
Name/Type Qualities Reloads
5 Standard Reloads
Bonus Damage.
Attribute Bonus
≤8 None
9 +1§
10-11 +2§
12-13 +3§
14-15 +4§
16+ +5§
Bonus Damage
Type of Attack Attribute
Infowar Intelligence
Psywar Personality
Melee Brawn
Ranged Awareness


Attributes & Skills
Attribute Score
Agility 12
Awareness 10
Brawn 14
Coordination 8
Intelligence 7
Personality 8
Willpower 9
Host Type: LHost
Agi 0
Awa 0
brw 1
Coo 0
Int 0
Per 0
Wil 0
Host Attributes Increased Brawn, Night Vision, Cosmetic Augmentation 2 (Cat Ears, Cat Tail), Inured to Disease, AR Eye Implants
Skill Signature EXP FOC TN
Acrobatics (Agi) No 2 O 14
Close Combat (Agi) Yes 5 2 17
Stealth (Agi) No 2 O 14
Analysis (Awa) No O O 10
Extraplanetary (Awa) No O O 10
Observation (Awa) No 2 0 12
Survival (Awa) No 1 O 13
Thievery (Awa) No O O 10
Athletics (Brw) No 1 0 15
Resistance (Brw) No 3 O 17
Ballistics (Coo) No 2 0 10
Pilot (Coo) No 0 O 8
Spacecraft (Coo) No O O 8
Education (Int) No 2 1 9
Hacking (Int) No O O 8
Medicine (Int) No O O 8
Psychology (Int) No O O 8
Science (Int) No O O 8
Tech (Int) Yes 3 1 10
Animal Handling (Per) No O O 8
Command (Per) No O O 8
Lifestyle (Per) No O O 8
Persuade (Per) No 3 O 11
Discipline (Wil) Yes 2 1 11
Talent Name Skill Ranks
Natural Engineer May reroll any dice that did not generate a success, must accept new result (Tech) 1
Martial Artist When making a melee attack may reroll CC number of damage dice (5) (Close Combat) 1
Combat Specialist Each point of momentum or heat char pays, provide 2 dice instead of one, normal max of 3d20 bonus still applies (Close Combat) 1
Stubborn The character may reroll one d20 when making a Discipline test, but must accept the new result. (Discipline) 1
Jaded Increase Resolve by 2 ranks for each rank of Jaded (Discipline) 1
Deflection 1
Quick Draw May draw as a free (Close Combat) 1


Assets Earnings Cashflow Shortfalls
2.5 3 9 0
Name Type Location
AR Eye Implants Cybernetic Replacement (Eyes)
Name Quantity
- -
Name Effect(s)s Notes
Medium Combat Armor Medium Combat Armour/Combat/H2 T3 A2 L2 BTS 2 /MC: 2
Climbing Plus Grant -2 difficuly on all climbing athletics test
Armoured Clothing (Dress Uniform) [1 Arm, 1 Leg, Hidden Armour 2]
Garotte see entry in book.
Geist Name Sarakawa Narumi
4 4 4 4 4 5 5
Skill Name EXP FOC TN
Hacking(INT) 3 0 7
Discipline(WIL) 2 0 7
Education(INT) 2 0 5
Observation (AWA) 1 0 4
1 Quirk: Incorporates song lyrics into their advice 4 Suspicious of Everything
2 Determinated to strengthen backbone 5 EEEEE
3 Cynical Humour 6 FFFFF
Firewall: 7 Resolve: 7 Structure: 0
Security: 0 Morale: 0 Armor: 0
Breach - - - - -
Metanoia - - - - -
Faults - - - - -


Name Rating Maintenance
Fashion Demogrant +0
Entertainment Demogrant +0
Food Demogrant +0
Housing Demogrant +0
Parents Dearli Takeshima (Father), age 67, dead, Kaneko Takeshima (Mother), age 65, alive.
Spouse N/A
Siblings Shoyo Takeshima (brother), age 31
Children N/A
Extended Family Himeko Sagawa, age 70 (dead)
Faction Handler
Identity Faction Contact Protocol
Name Notes
Fake IDs
Name Rating

XP Spending

+2100 XP from sessions
-150 (400-250) for Deflection
-1000 Awareness 9->10
-400 Observation 1->2
-600 Stealth 0->2
+350 XP from session [2450]
-100 XP Persuade 0->1 (1/2 due to sensa)
+200 XP from session [2650]
-400 XP (to 0) Persuade 1->2
+150 XP from session [2800]
+100 XP from session [2900]
+100 XP from session [3000]
+200 XP from session [3200]
+100 XP from session [3300]
-600 XP for Persuade 2->3
+150 XP from session [3450]
+150 XP from session [3600]
+150 XP from session [3750]
+200 XP from session [3950]
+100 XP from session [4050]

Total Gained: 4050 XP; Total Spent: 3250 XP; Total Remaining: 800 XP