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odorogi system
odorogi system

Odorogi System


Primary Star: G6V yellow star, .92 solar masses, current effective temperature: 5392 K. Current age: 1.575 bn years, with a luminosity of .52 solar luminosities, currently a main sequence star.

The system is of average metallicity, but due to it's young age, the minerals are closer to the surface on many planets, and there is an asteroid mining setup. The Kairn Stellar Navy maintains an anchorage here, although more for relay purposes than for force projection, as the Odorogi system is still undergoing annexation in the Kairn Ministry of the Interior.

The Salmarias Group maintains the mining concerns here, and often has it's own armed ships to convoy back to Al-melaris.



The first planet, orbiting at .058 AU from the star, is a small rock (.15 earth masses) that orbits at a rapid clip of 129.04 hours, with an eccentricity of .16 (16%), giving it a periastron of .068 AU, and an apastron of .049 AU. Due to the tidal lock, the local day is 258.080 hours.

Odorogi-I has a density of .691 Earth densities, and a radius of 3828.15 km, giving it a gravity of .415 G. The planet is mineral rich, but it's close orbital to the sun gives it a blackbody of 978.99 K, so all mining concerns are on the dark side of the tidally locked planet.

Due to it's locked tectonics, there are periodic massive volcanic upswellings, and the planet itself has no magnetic field, and a Class V atmosphere - no pressure, no mass. Due to many factors, this planet has only a trace of water, and no hydrographic coverage.


The second planet, orbiting at .099 AU from the star, is a terrestrial planet of .4484 earth masses, orbiting with an orbital period of 283.08 hours ('11.795 days), with an eccentricity of .08 (8%), giving it a periastron of .106 AU, and an apastron of .091 AU. Due to the tidal lock, the local day appears to be infinite - the sun never moves.

Odorogi-II has a density of .843 Earth densities, and a radius of 5160.66 km, giving it a gravity of .683 G . The planet is not very mineral rich, at least, not near the surface, and no mining concerns are located on the planet.